Chapter 7 Part A (the real one)

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A/N This ran longer then I expected and will continued in a second part. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

  "Damn it Beth, you almost gave me a heartache! I think I just peed myself. I thought you were Tyler," I sighed out a deep breath grateful it wasn't my son standing before me. I think I really did almost pee myself I was so petrified when I heard the door burst open. I looked over to Jayce and his face was a sheepish white obviously feeling the same horror I had just felt.

"If it had been Tyler you wouldn't have had time to have a heartache. He would have killed you both before you had a chance to die so easily,"Beth lectured me entering my room shutting the door behind her. I had forgotten she was on her way over I was so preoccupied with Jayce and our fucked up predicament.

"You two need to pull yourselves together and get your asses downstairs asap before Tyler ends up here. There's so much heat in this room right now I feel like I'm the one who needs the cold shower," she started fanning her face with her hand releasing a breath.

"We'll be down in a minute," and then I noticed Beth was holding an opened bottle of wine in her other hand. From time to time we had the tendency to leave out the minor details when it came to our wine like glasses for instance. We would just chug straight from the bottle.

"Oh my god, give me that!," I jumped up from the bed and came at her like I was a predator ready to attack prying the bottle out of her fingers. I brought the bottle to my lips and starting guzzling it down. I needed something to calm my shaken nerves.

"Geeze Mia! Sometimes I forget you can drink like a fish when you want to," she snatched the bottle out of my mouth in mid motion leaving a portion dripping from my lips down to the floor. I hadn't realized in that one gulp I had already taken down half of a 1.5 liter bottle. "I'm going back down and I expect you guys to follow shortly. Oh and by the way, some girl Gina is downstairs looking for you Jayce. I forgot that was the whole reason I came up here," and then Beth turned away leaving making sure she left the door wide open so we didn't do anything else stupid.

Gina, that was the girl that was at the house the other day trying to get with Jayce! My blood started to boil with jealousy. I knew she was going to drape herself all over him in front of me and there was nothing I would be able to do except watch torturously in silence.

"Hello?? Mia? Did you hear anything I just said?" I turned my head back over in Jayce's direction noticing the color had returned back to his face but anything he might have just said a minute ago went completely over my head. I was too distracted by my hatred for a girl I had never even met or seen. She probably looked just like Barbie, all the females Tyler brought home did.

"Hum, what?" I looked at him bewildered with my mouth partially gaped open.

"I said, so Beth knows about us right?"

"Um yeah, she's good. She won't say anything, now let's go downstairs." I just got up facing the door and walked away leaving Jayce behind. I was starting to feel the wine making it's way through my bloodstream but it was nowhere near enough. I was ready to take down a whole brewery now unable to focus on anything but the thoughts of Gina and her wandering hands. Jayce told me before he held no interest in Gina but it wasn't like he was my boyfriend and after Daniel I had some serious trust issues when it came to a man's sincerity.

I went down to Tyler's room where everybody had already started to get situated sitting at the table drinking with a deck of cards and chips centered in the middle. When I looked over to Tyler he was leaned back in a chair with an attractive brunette perched on his lap who I assumed could only be Ashley. They were both smiling and giggling with her arms wrapped around his neck. Yuck! It was disturbing on so many levels watching your own child show intimacy towards the opposite sex knowing exactly what he was thinking or should I say thinking with. Ewe, double yuck! Then my eyes strayed to the left not able to endure the disturbing visions any longer that were making me want to shove my fingers down my throat.

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