Chapter 1~ Confession

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A/N- This is before Ethan in a wheel chair. Hope you enjoy!

Mia's POV

We walked to Ethan's house and I was about to shit my pants. I can't tell him. What if I can't trust him? I don't care anymore. Maybe the numbness of the pain will die down my feelings for him. I mean I love him as a friend.

"Up to my room" he says pointing to the staircase. His house is actually pretty nice! He has a flat screen tv and a Wii! His family photos are really nice too. I find a picture of Ethan with a bicycle helmet on a bike. His little baby cheeks are blushed and his big brown eyes just stare at he camera so innocently. I smile. It'd be nice to have kids. I run upstairs and plop down on his big blue bean bag. I scan his room. A bunch of polaroid pictures are hung on his wall, everywhere.

"So what was it you wanted to tell me?" he asks. I rub my hands together nervously.

"Ummm..." my voice trails off. I don't want to tell him. He'll expose me. I've already done something I can't forgive myself for. I don't want to be known as a wimp. Ethan kneels right in front of me and says,

"Mia, look at me" no no no no. I can't look at him. Looking at him will just make things even more worse. I slowly look up at him. He smiles at me but I don't dare to smile at him. I looks back down at the carpet floor. Kindness is a weakness, so is being naive.


"Mia, you can trust me

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"Mia, you can trust me. I promise" I promise. My parents promised me a lot of things. Good and bad.

"So u-um. I have an older sister who's three years older than me. My mom was an alcoholic and my dad was a drug addict." there I said it. End of conversation.

"When my mom was pregnant with me, the doctors discovered that something was wrong with me, but they weren't hundred percent positive that I was going to live. So after I was born, they kept me in the hospital for testing and they later found out that I had these ugly eyes"


"Shut up" I shut his mouth with my index finger

"Growing up, my parents hated me. Both my mother and father would beat me. Our house was ugly and dirty. There were syringes and food and candy wrappers everywhere"

"What about your sister?" Ethan says, intrigued

"Oh Katie. She was just as bad as my parents. She was normal so my parents gave her everything she wanted. She was popular too. She had friends, money, a boyfriend, everything. Every time I walked into school, she and her friends would make fun of me" a lump in my throat starts to grow, preventing me from speaking. Now that I actually want to talk, my body won't let me.

"She'd say that she didn't even know who I was and that-

"She'd say that she didn't even know who I was and that-

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"Shhh" Ethan whispers as he takes me into his arms. He wraps his arms around my stomach.

"But she said that I wasn't even related to her!" I wail

"She was the one person I actually trusted" I scream. My lungs fill up with soreness.

"So...who do you trust now?" I freeze at the question. My feelings are my greatest weakness.

"I don't even know anymore. You're the only person I actually know so" I mumble

Ethan's POV

"I don't even know anymore. You're the only person I actually know so" Mia mumbles, hoping that I didn't hear what she said. I never knew she went through all of that.

"Well, I'm here for you" I smile. She breaks my grasp. She looks so beautiful with her long brown hair and her big purple eyes.

"If you tell anyone about this.." she leaps at me and grabs me by the collar. Her hot breath warms my face. Our bodies about an inch apart.

"Don't think I won't kill you" she snarls

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"Don't think I won't kill you" she snarls. Damn, she's so hot. I wonder what happened to her parents. I won't ask her now, I don't want to trigger anything. She lets go of me and leaves the room. I run out of the room.

"Wait! Call-" she shuts the door

"Me if you need to" I sigh. I walk back into my room and plop onto the bean bag Mia sat in. I don't know what else to do. Maybe I'll just play MarioKart. It felt so right when she grabbed my collar. Not that it actually was right or anything. When she touched me, a spark of electricity stung me...literally. I don't know what it is with her, but she's different and I like that.

Mia's POV

I walk back home even though it's a two hour trip by foot. I don't care if I get jumped. I took self-defense lessons. I climb into my room from the window so I don't disturb Katie's party. She throws a party almost every week. I strip myself of my clothes and put on some comfy loose pj's. I connect my charger into my phone. I hope I don't have nightmares again. My nightmares are my biggest fears. Sometimes, it's the same dream over and over again. Those last for weeks and weeks and weeks. Sometimes, it's different. I've only had one different dream once. I remember it but it's kinda hazy. I hide under the covers and close my eyes. Suddenly, I hear my phone vibrating. I turn my body to my phone. Oh look, I got a text message from Ethan. I try to scoff but all I do is just squeal. It reads,

Ethan: Hey Mia. I just wanted to know if you got home safely

I reply.

Me: Who me? Yea. Even if anyone tried to jump me, I'd take care of them lol

I tap the send button, but I need to type another text.

Me: I took self-defense lesson ya know

Ethan: Whoa really?! Can you teach me?

Me: Lol yea sure

Ethan: Aye thx. Good night

Me: Night

I turn my phone off and set it down. I think I just had my first actual text conversation with Ethan. Oh my god! I just had my first text conversation with Ethan! No shut up! You have to go to sleep. Just think of Ethan. I have a feeling there won't be any nightmares tonight.


Whoa first chapter! Did you guys like it? If so, please vote! Have an awesome day! ily all


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