Chapter 15~ Again

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Mia's POV

I wake up and I feel drained of energy. I'm awake but I'm still asleep at the same time. I don't feel like doing anything. I feel cold. I feel stripped of everything I have. I don't want to do chemo. I don't want to drink. I don't want to eat. I just want to be warm, loved, cherished. I just want Ethan. I shouldn't have pushed him away when I needed him the most. I guess I was unsure of what I wanted. I was never really sure what I wanted. Suddenly, my chemo-therapist, Ms. Langley. She was never really friendly but she's been more friendly to me over the past two years.

"How are you today" she says, shutting the door with her clipboard in the other arm.

"The usual" I say.

"Well we've collected data of your progress over the past two years..." her voice drifts off. I'm so cold. I skim my arm with my fingers. Am I ever going to see him again? He probably forgot about me and got on with his life. I should do the same.

"Mia!" she grasps my arm and shakes me gently.

"Did you hear me? You're getting better!" she smiles. I shake my head mentally and give her a blank look.

"Oh, yay" I say with no emotion. She ignores me and grabs a chair. She gets everything ready so she can give me my medication. I turn away. No on loves me anymore. For once I had someone that loved me, someone whom I could love back. Now, I'm alone, here in this stupid bed in this stupid hospital. I'm left without ovaries (had a surgery) and Ethan's in a wheelchair.

Ethan's POV

I have to tell her. I have to tell her now or else she'll live with a false value for the rest of her life. I rub my jawline and it's prickly with facial hair. I don't even care anymore.

*few moments later*

I twist the doorknob and push the door open. I'm so afraid of what she might say. I roll into the room slowly. Pale Mia turns her head slowly as I get nearer to her. Although she is weak, her eyes still shine bright with their purple glow. I love everything about her.

"Hey" I say reaching for her hand.

"Hi" she smiles weakly, allowing me to take her hand in mine.

"I needed to talk to you" I fix my eyes on her.

"I figured," she mumbled.

"I don't know if we're going to be together again or what but, I just wanted to say that you were the best and first I ever had" I smile, she smiles back.

"I truly loved you and I don't think I'll ever stop" my phrase is followed by a silence.

"Ethan?" Mia breaks the silence.


"Why did I push you away" she stares at the ceiling.

I laugh, "Because you didn't know what you felt or what you wanted"

"Oh," she's still staring at the ceiling with no expression on her face.

"I read a book once called Sense and Sensibility. It was about two women. One woman felt what she wanted to feel but the other woman felt what she thought she should feel. In other words, one felt with her heart and the other felt with her brain."

"So?" she turns her head towards me again.

"I think we were going about it all wrong. We only felt what we wanted to feel" her cold hand still tied into mine.

"What are you saying?" I think I'm starting to get her attention.

"We need sense and sensibility in order for a good relationship to work. We need to love with our heart and our mind" I look deeper into her eyes.

"I'm getting better" she blurts out. Did she even listen to anything I said?

"Oh, that's uh...great" I try to smile. I am truly happy for her, but she totally ignored everything I've been saying to her for the past half hour. What the hell!

"Mia can I keep seeing you again?" I plead.

"I've been so miserable without you over the past two years" I lean closer to her body. She just stares at me.

"I don't know Ethan. I really would love to, I want to" 


"I don't want you to get hurt" she whimpers.

"Mia," I cup her cheek with my hand.

"I will get hurt and maybe even you too, but that doesn't mean we can't be together. The things that we go through, make us stronger" I say. She smiles and it adds to the glow in her eyes. She kisses me on the cheek. I tingle. Wait I tingled in my foot. What? I try to wiggle my toes and they wiggle. They start to twitch and I think Mia noticed it.

"Ethan your foot!" she points to my twitching foot.

"Try standing up!" she climbs out of bed and takes both of my hands in hers. I try to move my leg but they won't listen.

"I can't move" I sigh.

"You just need to some chemo" she bends down with her hands on her knees, her hair swept back behind her ears. Cute.

"Yea I guess" I fluster avoiding eye contact. Maybe things will get better.

Mia's POV

He still loves me! He still freaking loves me! We can be together again! I'm so happy he came back. I shouldn't have pushed him away like that. I wasn't aware of the damage I caused. My mom said that Ethan would come back for me, and he did. I pick up my posture and I smile at the ground, she was right. I'm getting better and so is Ethan. Maybe good things really do happen to good people. My fingers tingle with Ethan's warmth.

"I uhh guess I-I should be going then" he laughs awkwardly, cute.

"Yea" I smile. He tries to turn around but only manages to turn half way. What a goof. Without asking, I grab the handles and push him outside my door. I shut the door behind me immediately. I rest my back on the door and slide down. I bite my lip, he still loves me. All these years, he's been so miserable without me but he still loved me. What a guy.

Today I learned that you need sense and sensibility so your relationship can work out. I kept loving with my heart and not my brain. I guess it was frozen after I got the new of my cancer. I skip back into my bed and reach under my pillow. I retrieve a brown leather journal which says Ethan's Journal on the cover.

Ethan's POV

I'm outside the hospital now. I look up and the sky is pitch black. Damn I got here in the afternoon! I smile to myself, there's so many stars in the sky but my star is brighter than all the stars in the galaxy.



Have a radical day and stay cool

|nina| xo

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