Chapter 6~ Changes

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Mia's POV

I regret it! I regret telling him! I never should've told him and now he knows! He's going to call the police and they're going to take me back "home". I don't want to go back. It's congested of cold-hearted killers and it smells like crap honestly. But I already told him, so I can't stop now.

"They killed me," I continue

"They shattered my heart, my world. I wanted them to stop bruising me. I needed the abuse to stop so I could live" a stone slowly creeps up my throat, making my voice a little strained and low.

"Mia, you don't have to go through this if you don't want to" he rolls close, leans forward, and wipes my tears away.

I look him straight in the eye, "Ethan"

"I've been living my life in fear from the start" I grit my teeth

"And I'm not gonna let it get the best of me" Ethan raises his eyebrows and sits back.

"I didn't legit plan to kill them. One day when I was folding my clothes, my mom came up from behind me and started whipping me with a thorny belt; that was one of her many "torture tools" as she called them" I finger quote the air.

"I yelled for help, but no one came to help me. Dad came home, but only to make matters worse" I hang my head down and play with my nails.

Ethan's POV
I'm still in shock that she actually confessed to me that she killed her parents
Does she really trust me that much? Who cares? I'm just glad that she does. She looks down again for the millionth time and I'm kinda annoyed with that. My hand reaches for her and grasps it.
She looks up and smiles. Her face looks like all the blood has been drained from it, pale.

"He kicked me right in the gut," she continues.

"I fell right down to the ground. The pain was so..just so...I don't know. I just remember the pain so perfectly" she stares into my eyes. I feel like someone's staring into my soul. I feel guilty for not being there. I wish I could've done more to help. I wish I could relate to what she's feeling, but at the time, I really don't.

"He lifted the knife over my almost-lifeless body. I opened my eyes and I saw his ugly wrinkly monster holding a sword in his hands" she waves her hands in the air as she speaks. It's actually quite interesting, the way she talks. It's like a reality show honestly. The climax.

"I don't know what I had in me which made me get up. Well I got up and kicked him in the balls and he immediately fell to the ground in pain. I grabbed the knife from his hand and stabbed my mom with it." She coughs violently. I pat her back, not seeing how it'll help. She shades her hands in front of her face. I push her hand away,

"Mia" I smile

"Ethan" she breathes and falls into my chest, wrapping her warm arms around me. I wrap my arms around her tightly, making sure she feels safe.

"Ethan I can't, I just can't" she sobs. Her tears soak into my sweater.

"It's fine Mia. You don't have to" I lie.

"Thank you" she rests her cheek on my shoulder.

"Well this is nice" I laugh, hoping to lighten the situation. It's spook awkward and I feel....misplaced. She giggles and takes her head off my shoulder and looks deep into my eyes. Why does she keep doing that?! It's making me blush, at least that's what I think.

"What?" I laugh

Mia's POV

"What?" He laughs. His hair, his face, his smile, his personality. I bloody love it. My eyes feel puffy and hot.

"Nothing. You're just sooo-


"Yea" I slur

"Wait what? No!" I grin and hide my head in his chest shyly.

"Surrrre" he teases, drawing circles in my back. Goosebumps form and my hair stands on edge. I freeze. What's wrong with me? He's touched me before. Is this what being turned on feels like? I panic,

"I ahhh have t-to g-g-go fold something" I break his grasp and run upstairs.

"Mia wait!" He yells, his voice echoing in my head. I bust my door open and I rip my shirt and jeans off leaving me scandalous in my bra and underwear.

Ethan's POV

"Mia!" I yell. What did I do? Everything was going great! What did I do? I run up the carpet-covered stairs, almost slipping considering that I'm wearing socks. I go to the room with daylight flowing out of it. I hasten over the room. To my surprise I see Mia's sexy figure. She notices me and screams. She hides behind the bed.

"Hehe sorry" I nervously rub my neck.

"It's okay" her voice muffled. Her purple eyes peep out from the bed. She laughs and I start laughing, not knowing why.

"You're really hot" the words slip from my mind and out of my mouth. I instantly slap my hands over my mouth, not permitting my mouth to speak anything stupid.

"You what?" She stands up revealing her whole body.

"I u-u-uhhh umm" I look out of the window avoiding eye contact whatsoever.

"What did you call me?" She asks angrily. She frowns, slowly walking toward me. Her eyes burn with rage. She grabs me by the collar and pulls me adjacent to her bare body.

"You forgot that I'm sexy and seductive" she whispers. I can hear her smiling. She giggles gingerly. Her hair slaps my face as she whips her body around then walking away. She is sexy and seductive. I clutch her wrist and yank her body hard.

"You wanna do something about that?" I wrap my arms around her waist and jam her against my body. I kiss her without giving her a choice. She kisses my upper lip, leaving me sucking her bottom lip, our lips moving in sync. We switch and I bite her bottom lip gently. She ends the kiss biting my upper lip,

"Nice touch" I exhale.

"Yea" she breathes.

"So like u-um, what are we? Are w-w-e like-

"Together?" I interrupt.

Mia's POV

I'm so confused. Why are doing all this stuff when we aren't together? I mean, are we together? He told me he loved me, but that doesn't make me his girlfriend. Even if we are together, are official?

"Yea" I say faintly.

"We are," his hands melt into mine.

"Offcially?" I ask like a little kid asking their parent if they can stay up late watching tv. He folds his lips and hands his head down. He lifts his head up and unfolds his lips,

"Do you want to be with me?" He asks. Oh God the big question. Should I? I want to be his girlfriend more than anything in the world. But, I'm scared. The last thing I want to feel is pain.

If you enjoyed, please vote. Btw, do you want Mia to be with Ethan? Is she brave enough to step into a relationship yet or does she need more time to think? Respond in da comments!


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