Chapter 8~ Perfect

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Ethan's POV

Grayson went out to get groceries and Mom is in Mew Jersey taking care of my grandma. Today is so boring. I want to be productive but there's nothing to do around here to be productive. While I'm scrolling through my phone, I get a text from Mia. "Come outside" it says. I'm nervous and confused at the same time. I skid downstairs and open the door. There, I see Mia with her frizzy messy hair and her purple eyes are glossy again.


"We'll go to my room" I cut her off. I know when she starts, she can't stop. What happened now? I wrap my arm around her and take her to my room upstairs. I ask her to tell me what happened.

"So I went to Starbucks to think about "the decision"" she finger quotes.

"And then I went down to the ally to get my bike where I parked it and then there was this tall guy who came out of nowhere" her articulate voice flowed on.

"Slow down and start from the beginning" I say. She takes a deep breath,

"There was this guy in the ally who pinned me up against the wall and he said that I was sexy and hot" she whimpers. Anger flows through my veins with fury pumping through my nervous system. How dare anyone say that to her. She notices my red face,

"But I didn't accept his compliments" she gives a weak smile.

"He took me into his van and then" she stops.

"And then" she repeats

"Mia," I cup her face.


"happened?" tears start falling from her eyes. Her cheeks are wet.

"Ethan" she starts.

"He raped me" her voice is tight. Her words hit me like bricks to my head.

"HE RAPED YOU?!" I scream. How could anyone in their right mind do this to her? What if she's pregnant?! She's already gone through enough in her childhood and now this? I grab my phone and dial 911.

"Ethan, what are you doing?" she asks nervously.

"I'm calling for help" I state, not looking back up at her face.

"No!" she swats the phone out of my hand.

"BUT WHY?" I stand up yelling.

"BECAUSE I DON'T TRUST THEM!" she screams into my face. She turns around and sobs.

Mia's POV

Does he not understand the point I've been trying to make for the past months? He is the only person that I can trust! Why doesn't he understand that? I fall onto his bean bags, cushioning my fall. A few seconds later, he places his gentle hand on my arm and rubs it.

"If you love me, you won't call the police" I whisper.

"Okay" he whispers back. We just lay there next to each other, in silence. I don't want it to always be like this. I'm mad at him, but I'm still here with him.

"Why does everything happen to me?" I murmur.

"Like, what did I do wrong?"

"Mia you didn't do anything wrong. It's just that bad things happen to good people" he shoots a painful smile. His eyes flood up with tears.

"But Ethan" I wipe away his falling tears with my thumb.

"I defended myself" say hoping he'll stop crying. I've never seen him cry at all before. This is the first time and my heart is about to break just looking at him. I can see spots of joy in his face. He gives me fake smile. I wrap my arms around his muscular self.

"It's okay Ethan, I'm here" I pat his back. He starts to choke on his tears. I bite my lip to hold in my tears. A small drop slips away. Wasn't I the one who needed help? I've been on this side of the fence before. I like it. A small little flurry of warmth paces back and forth in my stomach. He breaks the hug, moving back.

"You good?" I ask, looking deeply into his red puffy eyes.

"Yea" he sniffles.

"A lot better actually" he laughs. He rubs his eyes. God he's so perfect. How did I wound up with such a kind, caring, beautiful person? Maybe some good things do happen to good people. We adjust ourselves to our liking on his bean bags.

"His name was Carter" I blurt out, staring at his polaroids strung on his wall.

"What?" he asks confusedly.

"The guy who raped me. His name was Carter" I turn to see him already looking at me. He says nothing with a blank look.

"Sorry I don't know why I-

He interrupts me by pressing his lips against mine. I kiss his top lip and kiss my lower lip. Our lips move in sync. Perfect.

"We reeeeeally gotta stop doing this" I laugh as I snatch a breath of air.

"Yea I know" he laughs and we continue kissing. I lay my back down on the bean bags. The small kisses escalate to a make out session. He moves down my neck leaving a trail of kisses down it. I freeze and an image of Carter's sly face pops into my mind. I shake out the memory. The past is the past and there's nothing you can do about it.

"Hey Ethan?"

"Yea?" he pops his head from my neck.

"Thanks" I smile. A genuine smile. I've never seen myself with a genuine smile, but it feels good on my face.

"For what?" he slightly turns his head to the side. He's so adorable.

"Everything" I sigh.

"Mia, you're the one that did the most calming down stuff" He laughs. I laugh back. I roll onto the soft carpet floor leaving me on top of Ethan.

"You're so perfect" I whisper as we're forehead to forehead.

"You're so flawless" he whispers back. I hear a smile in his whisper. I'm soooo glad he's not Carter. I wonder what'll happen to Carter. I just hope that even if he is left alive, he'll never find me or Ethan. I just want us to be safe. Ethan and I just lay there on top of each other in silence. I lay my head down on his firm chest and he wraps his warm hands around me. I let out a soft moan. I wish every day could be like this. I slowly give into my drowsiness and fall asleep.

Ethan's POV

She slowly drifts off to sleep on me. I look at her calm face. Her cheek is smushed and I laugh to myself. She's so tough yet so adorable. How could such a horrible thing happen to such a beautiful girl? I don't know how, but she's mine. She's mine and I am hers, together. I still don't know what her decision is but till then, I won't pressure her. Everything thing is perfect. I want to kill that asshole for raping Mia, but that'll only get me in jail again. Mia deserves better, but does she really deserve me? I carry her to my bed and I lay her down. I sit near her body. I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! ily all. xo



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