Chapter 2~ Nightmare VS Reality

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Mia's POV

"You should've never been born!" Mom screams. I blink my eyes and I find myself on the floor. My mom has a whip in her hand.

"Mom, what's happening?" I'm so confused. What is happening? Where am I? I look around me and I'm just in a white space that covers the whole room. Suddenly, my dad pops out of nowhere. He has baggy wrinkles under his eyes which meant he was up all night. He has a pill bottle in his hand and a knife in the other.

"Daddy, what are you gonna do?" I scream

"Don't worry you won't even feel anything" Mom smirks

"After you're dead" Dad finishes.

"What?!" I yell. I scream for help. I wail. I scream. I yell. I shout. I try everything but nothing works.

 I try everything but nothing works

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"Ah!" I scream. The strands of leather burn my skin. Mom repeatedly hits me with the whip and Dad does nothing and just watches me suffer.

"No stop, it hurts!" tears stream down my face with no end. Each strike makes my heart skip a beat. I see a dark figure in the distance. I squint to see who it is.

"Ethan?" I whisper. To my surprise, it is Ethan. He steps closer

"ETHAN HELP ME!" I scream at the top of my lungs. He smiles tearing up. He steps back and he's nowhere to be seen.

"ETHAN!!" I yell.

"Er" I groan. My skin becomes immune to each hit. Finally, the beating stops.

"Lemme finish it" Dad says. I turn back on my back and I look at my body. Dark, purplish blueish bruises cover my body. He stretches the hand with the knife and stabs me.

"Uhhhh" I gasp. I hold my head in my hands. I'm embarrassed at my own self. I just cry and cry. The nightmare still plays over and over in my mind. One thing that still confuses is that Ethan was there. Why? I check the time and it's 5:00 pm. Ethan hasn't texted or called me at all today, hmm. I update my software like 10 times but still no text or call from him. Ethan told me that he had a brother and a sister, but he never gave me their numbers.

Ethan's POV

I hear sirens. All kinds of sirens around me. I don't want to open my eyes because I'm to see what I'm gonna see. Plus, every part of my body aches and hurts.

"Ethan Ethan! Wake up!" Grayson yells, shaking me. All I manage to do is groan. Am I going to die? I don't want to die without see Mia. I god I'm so scared. What I don't see Mia ever again? I just saw her again.

Mia's POV

I somehow found a phone book and I start flipping through the book frantically.

"Dolan..Dolan...Dolan" I mumble. I finally found Ethan. I found a guy named 'Grayson' under Ethan's name, and they both have the same last name. I dial Grayson's number on the phone.

"Please please please" I cross my fingers that he'll pick up.

"Hello?" a deep male voice speaks through the phone

"Yea hello? Is this Ethan's brother?" I ask

"Grayson, yea. What dy'a want?" he asks a bit rudely. Geez what happened to him.

"Umm is Ethan there?" the guys doesn't respond back. I suddenly hear a bunch of random sirens through the phone. They're so loud and it's not even on speaker phone.

"Ethan and I were just in a car accident a while ago and Ethan..." his voice trails off. What the hell?

"What happened to Ethan?!" I try not to scream

"They're taking him to the hospital" he says. He sounds like he's crying. His response hits me like a million boulders.

"And they're taking him to the hospital" he says

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"And they're taking him to the hospital" he says. A tear slips from my eye, but I try to me strong. You gotta be strong for him Mia. He'd want you to. I try my best to control the urge to stop crying. I throw the phone on the ground and I start to cry, more like a wail. I lie down on the ground, holding my knees to my chest just crying my heart out. I don't want to see him. I won't see him. I don't wanna see him die. I won't see him die. I can't bare it. I won't bare it. I end the call.

"I HATE YOU ETHAN!!!" I scream and throw the phone against the wall that it breaks. I hate Ethan with all my heart. He never texted me and he never called me all these weeks, and now, he's dying. Even if he's not dying, I refuse to see him all battered up. It just reminds me of all the times my parents used to beat me up and I'd look at myself in the mirror and tell my self that I'm a worthless piece of crap. I can't bare to see anyone like that, especially Ethan. I hate Ethan and I never want to speak to him again. Whether he's dead or alive.


Ayeeee guys this took forever to write cause I didn't want it to be cheesy. So I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! ASDFALKSDJFL I'M ALMOST AT 3K ON THE OTHER BOOK!!! LODIFAOSIUDOF 

Yea so this chapter was basically Mia's reaction when Ethan got hit by the car. Do you ship them? Yes or no? Tell me why in the comments! love you all


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