Chapter 12~ War Zone

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*few months later*

Mia's POV

Me: hey

Ethan: hey

Me: wyd

Ethan: nm hbu?

Me: same

Ethan: ......

Me: .......

Ethan: i'm bored afff

Me: lol

I'm bored out of my mind and I don't know what to do. It's been a few months since me and Ethan are together, but school has been a struggle. We both do school online and, it's kinda tough. I'm soooooo bored.

Ethan: we should do something

Me: Like?

Ethan: idk we should go bungee jumping or something

Me: wtf

Ethan: what?! it's on my bucket list!

Me: Wow

Ethan: wanna facetime?

Me: sure

Ethan: call me

I call him. His beautiful face pops up. His bed hair is just...and I think he's shirtless.

"Hey" I smile.

"Hey beautiful" his voice raspy. Hot afff.

"Whatcha wanna do?" I ask, playing with one of the long pieces of the knotted clothes hanging from my hoodie.

"I'm in the mood for bowling" he answers, rubbing his hair.

"I wanna go to an arcade"

Ethan's POV

"I wanna go to an arcade" she says. I freeze. The arcade. I've never gone to any kind of arcade ever since the accident. It's not like I'm scared. I just have a bad feeling whenever I walk into the building. But for her, I'll do anything.

"You good?" she says with a worried look.

"Yea I'm fine" I lie. I stare into those ever so beautiful eyes. They're like two purple spheres with little galaxies embedded in them, amazing.

"What?" she smiles. And that smile, brighter than my future.

"You're so cute" I blurt. She suddenly pulls her face back, giving her thousands of double chins.

"Am I cute now handsome?" she smirks, wiggling her eyebrows. I make an ugly face,

"Very" I stick out my tongue. She comes back to her original position laughing.

"We're so weird" she snorts. I laugh. She's so adorable when she snorts. She's just like a little puppy.

"Well I'm gonna go get ready" I flip the bed covers off me and stand up. I'm still in shock, the fact that I fell in love is jaw-dropping. I love her so much, but I guess she can't even fathom the thought.

Mia's POV

I hang up and I get ready. I throw on a black jersey dress shirt with a green flannel tied around my waist. I've never worn makeup at all, but now since it's a date, I guess I have too. I finish my makeup, brushing my fingers through my soft hair. I stare at my complexion in the mirror. Did he really fall for me? Am I worth it? I grab my keys and phone from my desk and head out the door.

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