Chapter 7: Forever Fall

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I finally managed to draw what Skyler's weapon looks like. I'll draw his teammates' weapons when I can.
The next day, Skyler walked into Professor Goodwitch's class, prepared for a fight. He grinned at the thought of beating the crap out of Cardin. He had analyzed his fighting style yesterday when Jaune fought him. Cardin was a glass cannon. But he did like to play dirty.

Unfortunately, Cardin pulled a fast one on him before the battle even began. Apparently, he informed Ms. Goodwitch that Skyler wanted to fight him and one of his teammates. Two on one... Skyler didn't like the odds, but he liked his chances.

He looked at the faces in the audience. His team, as well as RWBY, were cheering him on. He also saw Velvet up there, smiling. Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren were also, but Jaune was surprisingly absent from the group and over with the rest of CRDL. What was that about?

But Skyler turned back to his opponents. His second opponent was Russel Thrush, a guy with a green mohawk. He was a bit quicker than his teammates and was a bit more crafty. He also used daggers. Skyler was still liking his chances.

Cardin noticed Skyler eying him and Russel, "What? Getting scared?"

"Dude," Skyler retorted, "I'm not the guy who had to bring a teammate to feel confident."

Cardin sneered, "Why you little-"

"Hey Cardin? How good are you at digging holes?"


"I mean besides the one you've already dug yourself into."

There was loud laughter from the audience. And Cardin was just getting angrier.

Ms. Goodwitch cleared her throat, "Match begin."

Cardin charged and raised his club, ready to swing. Skyler smirked as he started to run towards him. As Cardin swung sideways, Skyler hit the ground on his knees, ducking under the club.

As soon as looked back up, he saw Russel jumping at him. Skyler managed to get back on his feet and jump out of the way. He gained some distance before firing. The two jumped out of the way and Russel jumped in the air and rolled toward him.

Skyler couldn't do much but try to block. It failed and Skyler was knocked back. When he looked back up, the two were walking closer. Skyler got up and changed his gun into a sword.

"What?" he asked when he saw their grins, "You get one hit in and you think you've won? Man, you guys are stupid."

They both growled and Russel tried rolling at him again (Skyler was now going to affectionately call it the barrel roll). Skyler managed to dodge it and slash Russel on the side. Russel went tumbling as Skyler turned his attention to Cardin.

Cardin smashed his club to the ground, creating a shockwave that caused Skyler to stumble. By the time Skyler recovered, Russel had rejoined the fray and kicked him in the face. Skyler was knocked away and to the ground. This actually turned out to be a lot more difficult than he thought. One of them, he could take. Two of them... That was stretching it.

Then he looked back up into the audience. A few people, like Jaune, Pyrrha, Hazel, Walker, and Ruby, had saddened looks. Yang, Dante, and Nora looked about ready to jump in and help. Weiss, Ren, and Blake just had a pitying looks. Skyler growled. He was not going down like this. Especially not against Cardin.

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