Chapter 14: Extracurricular

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After a good old rousing round of beating up Team CRDL, Pyrrha Nikos stood victorious.

"And that's the match," Glynda said.

"Lucky shot..." Cardin muttered before passing out.

"Well done, Miss Nikos," Glynda commended, "You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament."

"Thank you, professor," Pyrrha nodded.

"Atta girl, P-Money!" she heard Skyler cheer.

Glynda, tapped her scroll, "Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow, but we have time for one more sparring match."

Glynda looked around at the observing students, ignoring Weiss and Hazel's outstretched hands (those two seemed way more than eager), "Any volunteers? Ms. Belladonna?"

Blake slammed her book shut and stared wide-eyed at Glynda, who said, "You've been rather docile for the past few classes. Why don't you-"

"I'll do it."

Everyone turned to see Mercury with his hand up.

"Mercury, was it?" Glynda asked, "Well, let's find you an opponent."

"Actually," Mercury cut in, "I wanna fight..."

He pointed at Pyrrha, "Her."

"Me?" Pyrrha asked, surprised.

"I'm afraid Ms. Nikos has just finished the match," Glynda stated, "I recommend you choose another partner."

"No, it's fine!" Pyrrha put in, "I'll be happy to oblige."

Mercury strutted into the arena, visibly sizing up Pyrrha. Their spar began when he made the first attack and was knocked down. Recovering quickly, he deflected an attack and began trading blows with Pyrrha until she knocked him back with her shield.

Ruby turned toward Emerald sitting behind her.

"Hey, your friend's doing pretty good," Ruby complimented.

Emerald gave a fake smile and then rolled her eyes as Ruby turned her back. Skyler, meanwhile, watched the fight with curiosity. It was clear to him that Mercury was not giving it his all. More like he was trying to find out how Pyrrha fought. Then he would go in for the real attack.

But to everyone's surprise, he didn't. Mercury just turned to Glynda as Pyrrha charged at him.

"I forfeit."

Pyrrha gasped and stumbled to a stop, "You... don't even want to try?"

"What's the point?" Mercury shrugged, "You're a world-renowned fighter. We're obviously leagues apart."

That wasn't the reason and Skyler knew that. He was testing her. He was waiting for the tournament to show her how he fought. He was learning.

"In that case..." Glynda said, "Pyrrha Nikos is the victor of the match... again."

Emerald smirked and Mercury smiled smugly. Pyrrha had a annoyed and disappointed look on her face, and placed her left hand on her hip. The Aura displays for Pyrrha and Mercury were shown as Mercury's was changed from green to red, indicating his loss.

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