Chapter 9: Black and White

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Two days later, Teams RWY and SHDW were still out searching for Blake. Skyler have his team a brief explanation about what had happened and they all agreed to help find her.

"I guess that makes some sense why she ran away," Hazel said as they walked, the sun beginning to set.

"Agreed," Dante replied, "I say that she saw what the White Fang was really doing and left."

"That's most likely what happened," Skyler agreed, "Blake may be... introverted, but she's no crook."

"If only Ice Queen saw things like that," Walker stated.

"Who knows?" Dante shrugged, "She might have a change of heart. She has had two whole days to think it over."

They kept searching until it got dark. Then a thought occurred to Skyler.

"Hey guys," he said, "We haven't checked the docks yet."

They all got wide-eyed and the team headed for the docks.
When they got there, they walked through a maze of Dust crates until they heard the sound of a ship. They ducked behind a crate as a Bullhead flew overhead and landed in the open.

"What the heck?" Walker said, "This is a docking bay, not an airport. What's going on?"

"Your guess is as good as mine," Skyler responded.

Their question was then answered when the doors to the ship opened. People in light armor and animal-themed masked poured out. On the back of their armor was the symbol for the White Fang.

"The White Fang?" Hazel questioned, "What are they doing here? More importantly, what do they want with Dust?"

Then a new voice spoke, "Hey! What's the holdup!?"

The group saw a man exit the vehicle. Skyler recognized him as the guy who Ruby had chased after before she was yanked away by Glynda. Roman Torchwick.

"We're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment," Roman said, "So why don't you animals try to pick up the pace?"

"What the heck are the White Fang doing, taking orders from a human?" Dante asked, "Much less from someone like Torchwick."

"Something fishy is going on," Hazel agreed.

"Keep to the shadows," Skyler ordered, "Let's see if we can get more answers."

SHDW began to sneak their way through the crate maze and closer to Roman.

"So, what's the plan?" Walker asked quietly.

"Working on it," Skyler hissed.

"No, you idiot! This isn't a leash!" Roman berated a White Fang member, who was holding a coil of rope.

Before anyone could react, however, there was Blake. The team watched, a bit shocked, as she appeared behind Roman and put her blade to his throat.

"What the-" Roman exclaimed before groaning, "Oh for f-"

"Nobody move!" Blake demanded as the White Fang drew their weapons.

"And there's Blake," Skyler mumbled.

"Whoa!" Roman grinned, "Take it easy there, little lady."

Blake then grabbed her bow and swiftly removed it, revealing her cat ears, "Brothers of the White Fang! Why are you aiding this scum?"

"That's what I'd like to know," Dante muttered.

Roman laughed, "Oh, kid, didn't you get the memo?"

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