Chapter 19: Breach

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Skyler woke up to the sound of his Scroll buzzing. It was about 5:00 in the morning, so you could imagine the irritation. He groaned and lazily grabbed his Scroll. He checked the Caller ID and saw that it was Yang.

He answered, trying not to sound irritated that his girlfriend interrupted his beauty sleep, "Hello..."

Instead of an answer, he got loud static. Scared half to death, he nearly threw his Scroll across the room. He managed to catch it, but when he looked at the screen again, the call had ended.

"What the heck was that about?"
"Yang called you?" Hazel asked when they were all up.

"Yeah," Skyler replied, "It was weird. All I got was static."

"Butt-dial maybe?" Dante shrugged.

"Could be," Skyler said, "Or maybe she couldn't get reception from where she was."

"Either way, I don't think you have to worry about anything," Walker put in, "Team RWBY can take care of themselves. They've proven that time and time again."

"I guess you're right..." Skyler said, still skeptical.

Then they heard an alarm go off in the city. They all looked out the window and saw some Nevermores flying around. Than an alarm went off in the school.

Without a moment's hesitation, Skyler turned to his teammates, "Grab your gear. We've got a city to save."

After doing that, they managed to catch Team JNPR at the docking area and hopped on the airship with them. Once they got to the city, Nora jumped out, riding her hammer, and smashing a King Taijitu's head in.

Skyler looked down to see Team RWBY there, alone, fighting the Grimm army. The rest of JNPR jumped out, landing next to Nora, quickly followed by SHDW, who landed in front of Yang.

"Let's go!!" Skyler ordered, and his team attacked.

He turned to Yang, "I was wondering why you called me."

Yang just shrugged and grinned, "I was afraid I wouldn't get a message out to you."

Skyler grinned and the two attacked. As Skyler fought a horde of Beowolves, he saw Dante taking potshots at Nevermores and other Grimm while Hazel stood behind him, spearing any Grimm that dared to come too close, and Walker was walking through a bunch of Creeps, slicing them down.

Pretty soon, the Atlesian Air Fleet showed up and dropped androids around the city. The androids took out some of the Grimm, proving to be not completely useless.

Unfortunately, Skyler realized that he was paying more attention to his team than he was the battle. A Beowolf tackled him, raising its claws. Then the unexpected happened.

Out of the hole in the ground where the Grimm were coming from, a mech crawled out, but seemed out of commission. The a small black and white figure pounced out and knocked into the Grimm that had pinned Skyler down. And Skyler found himself face to face with an familiar, as well as adorable, black and white Corgi.

"Zwei!!" he exclaimed, recognizing Ruby and Yang's dog, and began petting him as Zwei licked his face, "Hey! Where'd you come from buddy?"

Zwei barked happily as another airship passed overhead. Skyler looked up to see another team in a ship. Team CFVY. They jumped out, taking out more Grimm.

Coco walked past Walker, who said, "I was wondering when you would show up."

"I'm surprised you're here and not burying your head in a computer," Coco retorted with a smirk, "Watch how the pros do it."

Coco approached a large Beowolf and said, "You just destroyed my favorite clothing store."

She spat on the ground, "Prepare to die."

The Beowolf attempted to slash her, but she knocked away the hand with her briefcase and kicked the Beowolf in the crotch. Walker grimaced, actually almost feeling bad for the Grimm as it fell to the ground. She then leaned down and slammed her bag onto its head, killing it.

She effortlessly swatted away more Beowolves, and the rest of Team CFVY resumed fighting. Velvet stepped forward, about to open her box, but Coco stopped her.

"Hey, come on," she said to her Faunus teammate, "You just spent all the semester building that up. Don't waste it here."

Walker watched in awe and shock as Coco's briefcase transformed into a mini gun. With it, she mowed down Grimm left and right, from Death Stalkers to Nevermores. Walker felt his jaw drop, now admittedly a bit lovestruck.

Soon, Glynda Goodwitch marched towards the hole in the street, effortlessly tossing aside Grimm that charged her. She pointed her wand at the hole and the debris around it shifted. And the street reassembled, as if nothing had ever happened.
In the aftermath, Roman Torchwick was discovered to be the one behind the invasion. He was ushered onto a police ship by police, as well as Emerald and Mercury.

"Oh, I can't believe that you caught me, you've really taught me the error of my ways," Roman grumbled to the police as they pulled him harder, "Hey, watch the hat!"

Emerald and Mercury rejoined everyone soon after. Team JNPR was exchanging smiles, Sun and Neptune bumped fists, Team CFVY likewise smiled at each other, though Coco was resting her arm on Walker's shoulder.

Skyler grinned at that last bit, though he couldn't really say anything because Yang currently had her arm wrapped around him. A peaceful end to an eventful day.
After everyone had gone back to Beacon, Skyler somehow found himself alone, walking to his dorm. He wasn't sure why he was alone, but he guessed that everybody who came back immediately went to bed, tired from the long day of fighting Grimm.


Skyler jumped at the sound, a bit startled. He turned to a nearby bench and saw a bird staring at him. It looked to be a crow, maybe a raven. The bird stared at him, tilting its head, as if examining him.

"Umm..." Skyler said, confused as to why a bird was staring at him, "Hi?"

The bird cawed again before taking off. Skyler blinked a few times, wondering what the heck just happened.

"That was... weird..." he said to himself.

"Hey Skyler!!"

He turned just in time to see Yang running towards him. She tackled him with a hug, causing them both to fall to the ground.

"You're still here!" Yang exclaimed, not seeming to care they were on the ground.

"Yeah..." Skyler choked, "Yang..."



"Oh! Sorry!!"

She let go and they both got up, Yang apologizing, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean-"

"Yang, calm down!" Skyler chuckled, "Its fine! I like your hugs... Air is just kind of a priority."

"Right," Yang said, rubbing the back of her neck, "So what are you doing?"

"Just decided to take a walk. Not really as tired as everyone else. How about you?"

"Me and my team were about to go back to the dorm and go to sleep. But I spotted you and decided to come over and talk."

"As well as hug me to death?"

"Shut up!" Yang hit him on the arm as they both laughed, "You were the one who said you liked it."

"That's right, I did," Skyler offered his hand with a smile, "Walk back to the dorm with me?"

Yang took his hand, kissed him on the cheek, and grinned, "It would be my pleasure."

The two walked into the school, just enjoying each other's company. Meanwhile, the crow watched them go from a lamppost. It cawed and flew away.
And that ends the Volume 2 portion of the book. Stay tuned for Volume 3! Till next time guys!

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