Chapter 29: Heroes and Monsters

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Team SHDW traveled through the streets, killing any Grimm that was unfortunate enough to cross their path. But Grimm weren't the only obstacle. Atlesian Knights suddenly turned on them and fired their guns. Honestly, Skyler wasn't surprised. Cinder had a plan, and it was working perfectly. He really didn't like that woman.

They arrived at Beacon just in time to see Velvet... wrecking a couple of Atlesian Paladins. Skyler and Dante grinned, since they already figured that Velvet was a secret weapon. Hazel and Walker, on the other hand, had their jaws dropped.

"Okay..." Hazel said, "I take back everything I said about Velvet being a damsel in distress."

"Ditto," Walker muttered.

However, Velvet was taken down by another Paladin, but then Weiss stepped in. She rushed in between Velvet and the Paladin, a glyph already summoned, closed her eyes, and gritted her teeth. The Paladin's attack was stopped by an arm wielding a sword summoned by the glyph. The arm then proceeded to bisect the entire robot. Weiss fell to one knee in exhaustion.

Hazel then walked over and offered a hand. Though surprising, Weiss took it and was helped up.

"I still don't like you," Hazel said, "But that was cool."

"...Thank you?"

But before they could take another breath, another advanced Paladin rushed in from the corner and began to charge at them.

And Sun spoke what they were all thinking, "You have got to be kidding me!!"

But luck was on their side. As the students stood prepared to fight the Paladin, electricity arced across it and it suddenly powered down, collapsing and sliding to a stop in front of them.

"That went a lot better than I expected," Dante said.

"You said it," Coco replied.

"Skyler!! Weiss!"

Skyler turned just in time to see Yang tackle him in a hug, "I'm so glad you're okay!"

"Same," Skyler smiled, before Yang turned to Weiss.

"Have you heard from Ruby?" she asked.

Weiss shook her head and Yang asked another question, "What about Blake?"

"She went after an Alpha..." Weiss pointed in the direction of what was left of the cafeteria, "And some members of the White Fang."

"You look for Ruby," Yang said, "I'll meet up with Blake."

"I'll go with you," Skyler said and Yang nodded, feeling more confident.

And the two took off.
"And as I set out upon this world and deliver the justice mankind so greatly deserves, I will make it my mission to destroy everything you love."

"Blake!!" Yang's voiced cried out.

"Blake, where are you?!" Skyler's yell echoed.

Adam Taurus looked at the two before looking down and seeing Blake's terrified expression, "...Starting with them."

Adam drew his sword and stabbed it into Blake's abdomen near her left hip, causing her to shriek in pain. The cry caught Yang and Skyler's attention.

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