Report Cards (Part 2)

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He looks up and says....*

"Start packing." 

"YAY!!!!!!!!!!" We all scream like little kids. We run up to our rooms to start packing.

"No running in the house!" Mom yells up the stairs.

"Sorry." we all yell back. Soon the house goes silent as we are in our separate rooms.

"Hey, Allison! Come down here for a second please!" Dad calls upstairs. 

"Coming!" I say, heading downstairs.

"Come here." Dad says, beckoning me over. I walk over. He pulls me to sit on his lap.

"I'm sorry that you felt that defending yourself would get you into trouble. If they hit you first, you can push them back, or put your arms up to cover your face. Just don't instigate the fight." Dad says sadly.

"It's not your fault. I just really had my mind set on going to Isle Esme." I say. Dad smiles and sends me upstairs to finish packing. Everyone but Alice finishes around the same time. We all meet in the hallway and I roll my eyes when Alice isn't done. We go downstairs to see Mom and Dad in the living room with smiles on their faces.

"Is Alice still packing?" Dad asks. We nod, causing him to roll his eyes also.


"BUT DAD!" she whines from upstairs.

"I MEAN IT!" He says. By this time, we are all laughing hysterically.

"What?" Dad asks, causing us to laugh harder.

" more than 2...hahahaha...." I manage to get out.

"Calm down and repeat that." Dad says.

"You told Alice she can only have 2 suitcases. Have you MET Alice!?" I say, promptly starting to laugh again. Soon Dad just shakes his head and goes upstairs to check on Alice. 

30 minutes and a threat of a spanking later, we are all packed and ready. We get in the cars and head to the airport.


"We have to ride 2 boats to the island. Girls with your Mom in one, boys with me in the other." Dad says when you reach the docks. We all rush to get in the boats. Soon, we are on the island.

"Wow. It is HUGE!" I say, looking around in amazement. I see Katie, Jake, Seth, and Leah doing the same. Dad chuckles then unlocks the door and leads the way inside.

"Just as nice as last time." Rosalie says.

When we get in, we go upstairs and see signs on the doors. Upon closer examination, we realized the doors have our names on them. I open my door and gasp in amazement. I put my stuff away and head downstairs. I almost tackle Dad from behind. He grunts and then chuckles.

"I take it you like it so far?" Dad says.

"YES!" I exclaim.

"Good. I have a feeling you won't like the next thing I have to say." He says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Sit in the living room and wait for your siblings." he says.

"Okay." I say. Within 15 minutes, everyone is downstairs in the living room.

"Okay, all the rules apply here. Same punishments. Allison, you need to rest tomorrow because of what that girl did to you. After that you can have fun. No arguments. Am I understood?" Dad says.

"Yes." We all reply.

"Good. Katie, Allison, Jake, Seth, Leah, bedtime." Dad says.

We all groan put go to our rooms. I fall asleep instantly.


"I'm back you little b****. Now it's going to be worse." Faith says. She grabs my throat and chokes me.

"NO!" I try to scream.

~End of Dream!~

"Shhh.... It's okay. It's me.." I hear Mom say, hugging me and rocking me.

"I love you Mommy. Don't let her get me." I say, collapsing in sobs.

"Do you want me to stay in here with you?" Mom asks. I nod and she plays with my hair until I fall asleep again.

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