School Trouble with Rebecca

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"Time to wake up!" Mom yells down the hallway. I hear groans, but we all get up and get downstairs within 20 minutes.

"Do you eat meat and eggs?" Mom asks Rebecca.

"Yes, ma'am." Rebecca replies.

"You can call me Aunt Esme if you want." Mom says, putting plates full of biscuits sausage, bacon and eggs.

"This is amazing!" Rebecca says, right as I take a drink of Sunny-D. I start laughing at how amazed she sounded, and consequently I spew my drink on Emmett.

"Allison Marie! Keep your drink in your mouth!" Dad says from behind Emmett.

"Dad!!" I say, hugging him.

"Apologize." Dad says.

"But I didn't mean to!" I say, slightly raising my voice.

"Now." Dad says.

"No. I will NOT! I DIDN'T MEAN TO DO IT, SO NO!"I say, screaming the end. Dad turns me to the side and swats me 10 times.

"Do not yell at me, and do not tell me no!" I scolds.

"Sorry Dad." I say, looking down and rubbing my butt.

"Isn't there someone else you need to apologize to?" Dad says.

"Sorry Emmett." I say, as I start eating again. Soon, we all finish breakfast and we start to go upstairs to get ready for school.

"That sounded like it hurt." Rebecca says to me.

"It does." I reply. We walk into out separate rooms to change. I wear a red off the shoulder heart shirt with pink jeans and pink TOMS. I put a pink flower clip in my hair. (picture below)

"Took you long enough!" Rosalie says as I go downstairs

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"Took you long enough!" Rosalie says as I go downstairs.

"Sorry." I mutter.

"Let's go! Rebecca, I want Katie, Allison and you to ride with me and Aunt Esme." Dad says.

"Okay." We all say getting in the car. We get to school, Dad walks into the front office to tell them that yet another student is staying with him for a few days.

"Let's go to class!" Jake says, walking in behind us.

"Holy s***!" I say because I didn't realize they were behind me. I get a glare from a janitor.

"Sorry." I tell the janitor. She nods and we make our way to class.

"Let's sit in the back." I say, and we go sit in the back group, which is the only group with 6 desks.

Mrs. Hill comes in and takes attendance. Then she announces there will be a test today.

"What!? Why the f*** didn't you tell us so we could study!?" Rebecca yells.

"Rebecca, watch your language and I didn't tell you because it is a pop quiz. The only difference is this is a test grade not a quiz grade." Mrs. Hill says, glaring at Rebecca.

"Sorry." Rebecca says.

"It is fine. No more talking until all the tests are in." Mrs. Hill says, handing out the tests.

"Hey... Allison.. what is the answer to number 4?" Rebecca whispers.

"C. What is the answer to number 7?" I whisper back.

"Allison! Rebecca! Come up here and bring your tests." Mrs. Hill says angrily.

"What! Why?" I say, playing dumb.

"You were cheating." Mrs. Hill says.

"I was reading the question in a whisper, and Allison told me to be quiet. It won't happen again." Rebecca lies smoothly. I can tell Mrs. Hill doesn't believe us.

"Now, or do you want me to add defiance to your transgressions?" Mrs. Hill says. We just sit there, not moving to bring her our tests until she tells us to go wait in the hall. We do, but I take my test with me and Rebecca does too. I can see Mrs. Hill getting angry.

"Let's throw them away." Rebecca says. I nod and we throw them in a hallway trash can.

"What if they call Dad!?" I say, suddenly realizing how much trouble we'd be in. Rebecca pales.

"We are calling your Dad, Allison. I have been informed he is watching you for a few days, Rebecca, so you will be included in this call." Mrs. Hill says when she comes out.

"Please no!" I beg.

"Why? He doesn't abuse you, does he?" She says with worry in her voice and eyes.

"No! It's just... I don't want a spanking, and I know that is what we will be getting if you call." I explain.

"You will deserve it." Mrs. Hill says, dialing her cell phone.


H- Hello. IS this Mr. Carlisle Cullen?

C- Yes, who is this?

H- I'm Jackie Hill. I'm a teacher at Forks Middle School. I have Rebecca and Allison here. They were cheating on a test and then they lied and were defiant. Rebecca also used foul language prior to the test. They have lunch detention for a week, so I wanted to inform you of this.

C- Okay. I will make sure neither of them ever acts like this again.

H- Thank you. Have a pleasant day, sir.

C-You too.


"He didn't sound too happy. Go back inside and have a seat. YOu both have lunch detention for a week." Mrs. Hill says.

"UGH!" Rebecca and I groan as we walk in, and have a seat. The rest of the day goes way too quickly except for the lunch detention which dragged on because we had to write lines. All too soon, it is time for us to go home. Dad is picking Rebecca and me up and the others are being picked up by Jasper, Alice, Edward, and Bella.

"Rebecca Leigh-Anne! Allison Marie! What in the world were you two thinking!?" Dad booms as we get in the car.

"Sorry." We both say quickly.

"Not good enough. You will both be getting a spanking when we get home." Dad says.

Resigned to our fate, we both simply hang our heads and sit in silence until we get home.

"Upstairs in corners in your seperate bedrooms." Dad says when he turns the car off.

"Yes, sir." we both say as we run to obey.

10 minutes later, Dad walks in and calls me over. I slowly come over and tune out the lecture. Suddenly, I am pulled over his knees and he starts. After 10 I am sniffling, after 20 I am starting to cry lightly, and after 40 I am sobbing. He lifts up his right knee and swats my sit spots 10 times, then pulls me up and into his chest.I calm down and he tells me to do my homework. I nod and lay on my stomach on my bed and start as he goes next door. I hear Rebecca getting the same treatment. Soon, I finish my homework and I go downstairs. We eat dinner and then we watch TV (With me and Rebecca on our stomachs in the floor) until bedtime.

"Bedtime!" Mom says. We all scatter to our rooms. I fall asleep and dream peacefully.

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