Prelude - Wolf Night - 05

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The wolf braced itself, steeling itself for an attack, when the second human scent came to it.  The scent was muted and strange; it was difficult to determine exactly where it was coming from.

The female human was standing a few feet to the wolf's left, and the other was a bit more than five feet in front of it.  And that was where the other human scent was coming from.

It paused, regarded the other with another curious tilt of the head.

That vague and unfamiliar human scent had been coming from the other wolf -- but it wasn't the sort of scent that clung to the fur or came from being in close proximity with another creature.

The human scent was coming off the other wolf itself.

Almost as if it were part human.

The other wolf ceased its own warning growl, regarded the wolf with almost human eyes.  In those eyes, a pale blue that seemed unnervingly foreign for the species, at least to the wolf's instinct, and in the combined wolf/human emotive scent that was coming off it, it was clear that the other was aware of what the wolf smelled.

It issued a short, almost human sounding bark and unpredictably lunged again toward the female human.

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