Prelude - Wolf Night - 06

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The wolf didn't have time to react.  Neither did the woman.  She attempted to duck out of the way, but moved so slowly in comparison to the lightning quick manner in which the beast lunged that had it intended to attack her, she would have been easy prey.

Instead of attacking, the creature leapt over her in a single bound and raced across the field.

Now startled out of the revelry of that bizarre scent reeking of human essence, the wolf took chase after it.

"Michael," the woman called after it.  "No!  Wait!"

The wolf wasn't sure exactly what the woman had been saying, just knew, based on her scent and the urgency of the words she spoke that she'd been trying to get its attention.

It was no matter.  The wolf was focused on this strange wolf/human creature which was getting away.

It continued its pursuit, a good twenty or so yards behind the other, which was nearing the edge of the park.

The wolf felt a series of shivers of trepidation as it neared what was the southern edge of the park.  It had always avoided the lights and sounds that were so prevalent beyond the darker shadows and more comforting solitude offered by the trees and bushes and rocks and water.

But the other boldly leapt over the small rock wall leading to the street and temporarily disappeared behind it.

The wolf chased and reached the street, knowing exactly where the wolf had been by the scent still reaching it, despite not having seen it for about 15 seconds.

When it reached the wall, it lept onto it and paused there to regard the surroundings before venturing forth.

The other wolf was not in sight.

Instead, a male human was lying on the sidewalk not four yards away.  It wore no clothing.

The wolf stared at the human; the scent coming off it had been the same scent it had been pursuing.  Perhaps slightly different now, with the human scent being much stronger than the wolf scent had been previously.  But they were both there, mingled together immutably.

The naked human was, the wolf could tell, the same wolf it has been chasing - the merged scents were too distinct.  However, impossibly, it was the wolf in a human form.

It stood upright in its newly acquired human form and walked to a car idling at the curb, the exhaust pumping out a distinctly putrid scent worse than the one coming from the other vehicles passing in the street; similarly, the engine made a unique clicking noise like the sound of teeth gnashing together.

The wolf watched as the other, now in naked human form opened the driver side door and easily hauled the other male human out with a single hand on the man's throat.

It held the human off the ground and squeezed.

The human who had been inside the car crumpled to the ground, barely letting out a moan, but giving off the stench of urine and feces.

Its heart had stopped beating.

The other kicked the dead human aside and got into the vehicle and the vehicle screeched away.

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