Prelude - Wolf Night - 07

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It might have been in human form, and it might now be driving a vehicle, but that other wolf had been prowling in this wolf’s territory.

That simply couldn’t be allowed.

Despite the fear of venturing into the concrete jungle ahead, the overwhelming smells of petrol and loud noises and dangers of vehicles, the wolf took off after the car.

It darted down the street, doing its best to stay out of sight of any humans it encountered. And while it was necessary to take a complex and round-about route, often skirting around full city blocks to avoid detection, it could track the distinct scent of the emissions from the vehicle, which fortunately seemed to have to make frequent stops along the way.

For an exhausting amount of time, the wolf tracked the vehicle south, typically staying within a few blocks of its winding descent.

Finally, the vehicle stopped in the parking lot of a wooded area near a body of water the wolf had never seen before.

The wolf/human got out of the vehicle and seemed to be looking around. Fortunately, the wolf was upwind from this, so the other did not detect it.

Then, it was no longer a human, but again a wolf, and started to race south in a path along the grasses that were adjacent to the water.

The wolf raced after it.

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