Prelude - Wolf Night - 09

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The scenery flashed by quickly as the low howl of a siren pursued it. The alley walls blurred as the wolf picked up more speed.

Finally, getting with a few feet of the other, the wolf tensed and lunged into the air, coming down with snapping fangs just shy of the other’s neck.

They rolled, paws entangled, snapping at each other, and broke free, standing to face one another.

The wolf nipped again at the other, grazing its mouth, its taste buds further infused with the human blood that coated the other’s tongue and maw.

There was a sudden squeal of tires and smell of burning rubber, and an accompanying painfully bright glare of lights in the wolf’s eyes.

The other suddenly bolted to the side and there was a deafening roar of gunfire that echoed through the alley, originating in the position of the glaring lights came from.

Escaping, the other bolted down the alley.

The wolf went to follow it when another gunshot roared, accompanied by a hot burning in the wolf’s back leg.

Despite the ringing in the wolf’s ears and the white hot pain shooting from its leg, the wolf could still hear the mumbled moan from the human who was still sprawled among the garbage cans it had fallen into.

“No, not the nice doggie!”

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