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"Hey Jovi, the crew is here" that was xalander I call him lander.

"Yo hurry up Tj is starting to creep me out again", and that was Xavier I call him xav, those two bozos are my elder twin brothers.

"I'm coming!!" I yelled back quickly brushing my hair to go downstairs.

You may now be wondering who this crew is they are talking about, well the crew are my 5 bestest friends in the whole world. We have known each other since diaper days like literally we were born days (((saves our parents money on birthdays))) apart in this specific order, Travis the eldest, he's the muscle in the group, the dude is huge for his age but he's a big softie. Next we have Duonte he is obsessed with football, his room looks like a stadium, he's loaded, his carpet is green with the field markings, almost every chair in the room is a football there is more but its not time for that now. Next is Lolita, she is a sassy latina chic, she may look tiny but you never wanna cross her. Next is me but you'll learn more about me later. Next is Monique Williams she is a fashionista she is what she likes to call the "fab police" don't say anything about the name, she'll go berserk. Last but not least we have Carlos he is our little nerd baby smartest kid on the block.

"Hey what took you so long" Duonte ask.

"I was brushing my unicorn"

"Yea ok" that was Travis "lander we're ready to go no, I don't want any minutes to be wasted out of my last day of summer"

"You ready Jovi?" Travis asked me.


The crew, my brothers and I always go out on the last day of summer for one last adventure, even though now I'm starting high school I don't think this will be my last one for the year but who knows, anything can happen in high school.


Hey I'm TK and this is my first book and I would love to get some support and feed back.

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