°°°CHAPTER 5°°°

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Finally it's Friday, I have survived one week in this hell pit called high school.
I just got off the bus when a certain group caught my eyes I could hear them chanting something but I couldn't quite figure it out going closer I picked it up straight away the sight I saw made my blood boil, there he was Carson the jerk, he's a year older than us and he won't leave us alone hovering over one my best friends Carlos covered in bruises and cuts on him upper body. I was infuriated.

"Leave.....him....alone" I said in a frighteningly calm voice.

"Oh really or else what, princess" he retorted shoving me a bit. Now you can call me many things but touching me is where I draw the line.

Lifting Carlos to his feet I asked Monique and Lolita to take him to the nurses office.

"Carson, I am sure I have told you multiple times to leave Carlos alone, what has he ever done to you?!" I shouted.

"Oh princ--" I cut him off with a slap to the cheek.

"Don't call me that"I said then pivoted on my heel then walked off to class, knowing that Carlos wouldn't let me off the hook that easy. What have I done??


The first five periods went by pretty fast, it was lunch time and I was just going to the cafeteria when I felt a strong force push me up against the wall, knowing who it was I didn't bother to struggle.

"What do you want, Carson?" I questioned.

"For you to stay out of my business you don't know anything and you should stay out of it" he stated

"He is your brother, it isn't his fault so stop beating him up all the time he's going through the same thing as you" I responded, yup you heard right Carson and Carlos are brothers and they've been through a lot. Their mother died when they were 5 and 6 and ever since then their father has been coming home drunk late at night and beating Carson he beats Carlos but not as much so Carson takes out his anger on Carlos, quiet little Carlos.

"Just shut up ok, you don't know what happened" he yelled, something about the tone of his voice told me he wasn't angry just really hurt, something is wrong and I don't know about it I intend to find out.
"I know enough though" I said smugly I feel really bad rubbing it in, but he's a real buttface he deserves it sometimes.

He was about to hit me but then I heard an all too familiar voice.

"LET HER GO...." the voice bellowed through the halls everyone was in the cafeteria so there wasn't a crowd. Turning around I saw a fuming Duonte. Aw crap. You see duonte is a very chill dude that is except when he sees his friends getting hurt that's when he turns to the hulks child. With one swift motion Carson was swung off me, he maybe a year ahead but he is no match for and angry Duonte and he knows it.

"You just got lucky princess" he sneered and walked off.

"You okay?" Duonte asked looking concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine" I said shrugging it off.

We arrived for lunch a bit late due to the incident everyone asked what's wrong but I just shrugged and they just dropped it everyone was talking happily.


Well school is over and I just reached home and saw my twin older brothers, Xavier and Xalander, sitting on the couch in their underwear, watching girl meets world, with a bowl of cereal.

Yup because that is just something every girl my age wants to see...note sarcasm.

But either way I'm used to it, I've lived with these but threads my whole life, there seniors so they'll be gone by next year... Hopefully.

"Hey Jiggles" they both said in unison, and the nickname you maybe wondering, I got it cause that was the first word that I spoke, awesome right? Not.

"Well hello dumb and dumber" I teased playfully " what did you two chuckle heads do all day?"

"We watched Disney shows and ate cereal" Xavier said, their classes don't start till next week, "Oh and next time mom goes shopping tell her we're out of milk"

"Dude your 18 you can drive and u got a job, get it yourself" I pointed out then walked away before they could argue anymore, but not before I heard this

"You know she's gonna become Oprah one day" that was lander.

"Aww man u should have been nicer when we knew her" that was xav.

Oh gosh there so dumb,
But Oprah is not too bad and with that I locked my self in my room and drifted to homeworklandia.

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