°°°Chapter 7°°°

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School was dismissed about an hour ago but we arrived at Duonte's place a few minutes ago because Donovan had some errands to run, after grabbing some snacks and saying hey to Shauna we headed up to his room.

No matter how many times I come here I will always be amazed.

"Can I live here, Tae?" That's what I call him.

"What?" He asked grinning like crazy

"I'm in love with your room" I said with the straightest face possible,"I'm gonna marry it, you can be the best man to the room, lolita can be my maid of honor, and I shall cherish it forever, you would have to move out though" I said casually as I walked around the room.

One look at Duonte's face and we both fell on the bed nearly passing out due to laughter.

"Your crazy you know that?"

"So I've been told"

" OK crazy lady, what you wanna do"

Hold you and then tell every girl to back off cause your mine and mine only. I thought dreamily, oh if only

"Umm how about a movie?"

"OK which one?"

And thus the arguing if which movie to watch began it took a while but we finally decided, well I decided.

"I want to watch sky high"

"That movie is so old"

"So what, I'm done arguing, go set up the TV Tae"

"OK OK "

While he did that I realised that it was dark outside.

"Woah is it that late already?" Duonte asked apparently he noticed too.

"Yea, I'm going for a blanket"

Few minutes later I came back with my fave blanket it was a cross between Frozen, Cars and Rapunzel weird I know, but their rich so they do what they want, but I was surprised when i came into the room to see an actual couch and a bowl of popcorn in front the TV.

"Where the popcorn come from?"

"Microwave" he said pointing to the far right corner

"Oh cool, new?"



"Yeah, so let's watch the movie shall we" he said patting the seat beside him

Sitting down and getting comfortable I told him to press play.

"Come closer Jovi, I won't bite"

Chiz chiz chizzy chiz chiz
Is all I thought as he wrapped me in his arms this is gonna be a loooong night

The movie was almost over when I began dozing off, I was far away in dreamland when I felt something rubbing my face, I'm a very light sleeper, but I didn't move, it felt nice.

Then I heard 13 words I never ever thought I would hear in my lifetime.

"If only you knew how much I love you Jovian Ana-Kaye Hall"

At that my eyes flew open

"Oh no, Jovi did you hear that?"

"Yeah" I said grinning from ear to ear "and I'm so glad I did, I love you too"

"Jovi its OK if you don't like me, I mean" he paused "wait come again"

"I love you too"



"Is it OK if I do this then" before I could even respond, his lips were connected to mine I was a bit shocked at first I mean its my first time, but then my body took over and soon our lips were moving in sync, it wasn't one of those cliché butterfly in stomach kinda kiss, it was our kiss, sweet, slow and steady, it was breathtaking, literally because moments later we both pulled away gasping for air.


"Yeah woah"

"What was that?"

"Jovi, that is something I have been wanting, dreaming of doing forever, but you know it wasn't anything like my dreams" he said still smiling

"Oh...it wasn't?" I said feeling my stomach drop "I'm sorry I dis--" I was cut off by a pair of lips

"It was better"

"You are such a corny cheese ball"

"Oh you love me"

"Yea I do, so um what does this make us"

"Jovian hall, will you be my girlfriend"

"Yes I will"

"Good cause if you said no I was kicking you out"



Smiling I thought to myself he is finally mine and only mine.

And with that I fell a sleep smiling like the joker. You know just without the creep...

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