Chapter 2

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As I said before this is my first day of high school and its not looking too well. As I entered the class room that's when I immediately wished I hadn't, it was so weird because everyone was staring at me cause as usual I was late for class.

"Good morning Ms.Halls " I heard a familiar voice say it was Mrs. Black, she was my home room teacher last year and apparently this year as well, we didn't get along too well then.

So I looked up put on my brightest smile and said good morning as politely as possible then rushed to an empty seat beside Lolita.

The day began as normal as any first day with introductions and greetings and whatever. Every thing was going great until the last period before lunch. This girl named Ashandae who has hated me since like the third grade for what reason I have no idea. I guess she's just jealous of my awesomeness, hmmm jealousy is a terrible thing.

Well, Ashandae Gordon, some how felt that she should disturb my peace on the first day of school. During that class session the teacher told us we should write a paragraph about ourselves our dreams, hopes, aspirations etc. and she would collect them alphabetically and g comes before h Ashandae thought she could cause a little mischief.

"Tyra Gastly, Ashandae Gordon..." The names were called and ashandae was going to give up her paper when she "accidentally" bumped me in the head. I was furious (did I mention I'm very hot headed) I rose up and swung at her she ducked it but luckily hit her head on the desk in the process of doing so.

"Settle down" I heard Mrs. Hines say, she's sort of a softie so she couldn't control the class. Soon after the bell rang and everyone rushed out, including me.


"Fight on the first day?" I heard an annoyingly familiar voice say, looking around I say Travis.

"Shut up, twit" ,was my amazing response ,"and it wasn't a fight if it was she would have had more than just a headache right now".

"You know you guys need to cool it right, I don't know why you hate each other" Travis smirked.

"Cool it" I scoffed " Just shut up could you, I don't know what that girls problem is but I intend to find out one way or another, I mean what did I ever do to the brat?? ".

"Ummm let's see shall we:
Pre-k: tipped her in the sand box
First grade: took her animal crackers for a month--"

"Hey I gave those back" I whined

"Yea, after u bit the heads off, need I continue?" He teased

"Nah nah I get it, but those chiz were years ago she's gotta grow up someday" I said " now shut up so I can go get my lunch, I heard its meatloaf Monday"

"Oohhh meatloaf" Travis squealed-yes squealed- then sped off to the cafeteria.

"What a doof" I muttered under my breath. Rolling my eyes I rushed for my lunch....

Don't judge I like meatloaves too...

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