I Knew This Would Happen. *Chapter 6*

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(Listen to the song, it goes perfect with this chapter)

*Danielle's Pov*

I sort of have a bad feeling about this dinner. We get judged based on our table manners. Who does that?!

What could go wrong?

Well, I could trip and die, I could fall in a hole.

"Danielle stop tapping your feet, it's annoying!" Kathleen snapped.

"Sorry" I grinned sheepishly.

"Danielle I'm sure you'll do perfectly fine" Brandy reassured me.

"I  wouldn't be so sure about that" I mumbled. "Plus you studied" I added.

"So did you" she retorted.

"Yeah I guess, I just hope I don't get sent home on the first day" I said quietly.

"You'll do fine" Alicia said.

I smiled at all of them.

*Alicia's Pov*

I'm so nervous! I cannot message this up, but on the bright side we get to meet the boys! I just hope they're hot, and they're not jerks, my last boyfriend dumped me, it was pretty bad, and I was a mess.

As we  stopped, I looked out the window. Wow this place is fancy. As soon as we got out there was camera's in our face.

"Alicia! Over here! How do you feel about the show?"

"How are you feeling?"

"Do you think you'll get sent home tomorrow?"

All sorts of questions were getting yelled at me.

"I guess I'm pretty nervous, but I will just have to suck it up" I laughed.

"Hey! All right enough, let them through" Zach, out bodyguard said, as he pushed through the paparazzi.

"Wow that was hectic" Danielle's remarked.

"Tell me about it" Kathleen huffed.

Brandy just laughed.

"Here we go" Zach said as he held the door open for us.

"Thank you" We all chirped.

*Danielle's Pov*

I looked inside the restaurant. It was completely empty.

"Hello ladies, I'm Sarah Jansen, and I am the producer of this show, I am very nice until you make me mad, so in other words don't make me mad" She explained.

"Yes Ma'am" I said.

"Don't call me Ma'am, it makes me feel old, just call me Sarah" She smiled.

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