Everything's Going To Be Okay *Chapter 7*

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*Danielle's Pov*

After a while of running, my feet started hurting.

I looked up and saw a park, I smiled. This brought back so many childhood memories. My dad died when me and Kathleen was 13. He use to take us to the park all the time. I sat down on one of the swings, and I thought about him, I shed a tear, and that tear turned into many tears, and those many tears turned in sobs.

"Why did you have to leave me" I asked to the sky.

I thought about how I made myself look like a fool in front of everyone there, and the millions of people watching this at home. I kept crying.

I felt a tap in my shoulder, so I looked up.

There standing before me, was Chase.

"Hey, it's not as bad as it seems" He softly whispered.

"Y-Yes it is, I probably l-looked so stupid" I sobbed.

He looked at me sympathetically.

"I'm so sorry you have to see me like this, you should go back there, I'm sure Madison deserves your attention way more than I do" I quickly apologized/stated.

"No I'm good, it was boring anyways" he shrugged.

"Yeah" I said.

"May I sit?" He pointed to the swing beside me.

"Yeah, go ahead" I half smiled at him.

"So, what's wrong with you, besides your ruined dress"

"Well, my dad died when my sister and I was 13 years old, if was a tough time, and he use to take us to the park, and push us on the swings. I guess that triggered something."

"Well I'm sorry for your loss" He smiled.

"Don't be it was like 5 years ago" I sort of laughed.

"Still" He replied.

"Thanks, for er coming after me, and cheering me up" I said to him, as I turned to face him.

"Oh it's no problem at all" He looked at me.

After a few moments, he was still looking at me.

"What are you looking at, I know I look horrible" I mumbled.

"No actually, I was thinking the exact opposite" He gave a bright smile.

I just grinned at him like a Cheshire Cat.

*Kathleen's Pov*

Freaking Madison! Why doesn't she have to ruin everything!

When I seen Chase go after her, I knew that she was in good hands.

On the bright side, Madison got yelled, well more like screamed at by Sarah. Oh and Jamie is not only hot, but he is super cool, and sweet. But, also arrogant, and cocky, my kind of guy.

I do however that I have absolutely no shot with him.

Karson was all up over him, the whole dinner, she moved away from me, and beside him, which was in font of me. And when I would sneak a glance at him she would glare at me! I looked at Alicia, and she noticed too, and rolled her eyes at Karson.

At least Alicia didn't have any competition. Arabella seems very nice. And she doesn't seem like the girl to do that. Karson, and Madison on the other hand...

5 minutes later Karson went to the bathroom, then Jamie started asking me random questions.

"So how many boyfriends have you had?" He asked, curiosity clear in his eyes.

"Wouldn't you like to know" I teased.

"Yes I would actually" He laughed.

"Well, not too many, but more than Danielle has, she's only had like 2" I explained.

"How many girlfriends have YOU had" I retorted.

"Wouldn't you like to know" He teased/mocked me.

"Yeah I do want to know, otherwise I wouldn't be asking now would I?" I laughed.

"You're right. I've had about 10, but like 4 cheated on me." He said sadly.

I spit my Mountain Dew back into my cup.

I started laughing uncontrollably.

"What's so funny?" He snapped.

"4 girls cheated on you? Were they on drugs?" I laughed.

"Why do you say that?" He demanded.

"Well, because you're hot, and muscular, that's what the ladies love these days" I winked at him.

"Yeah, yeah whatever" He laughed.

*Alicia's Pov*

Wow. Jacob is intelligent, and hot. Bonus! And Arabella, is actually... My friend I guess. She's been really nice to me.

As for Jacob the night was spent amazingly talking, and laughing.

Tonight even though there was chaos, I know that everything is going to be okay.

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