You're In For A Big Surprise *Chapter 8*

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*Danielle's Pov*

After about like an hour later, we got called back to the restaurant.

As soon as we got there, we made our way back to our seats.

When I was about to sit down, cameras were all in my face.

"How does it feel to be humiliated like that?"

"Why didn't you study?"

"Are you serious, I knew you'd blow it!"

Ouch. That hurt.

Thankfully Kathleen stepped in.

"Hey back off! She is perfectly fine! Now get your camera out of her face!" She sassed the magazine reporters.

They backed up, and went to interview Madison, and her group.

Alicia, and Brandy rose from their seats. I looked around for Chase.

Of course he's with Madison. It wouldn't bother me so much, if she actually liked me.

The magazine people, were taking photos of the boys and the girls over there.

I sighed, then Brandy hugged me. "It's going to be okay, I promise." She said as she rubbed my back.

Alicia was the next to hug me, then Kathleen.

I called Tod, and he said he was already outside the restaurant.

I walked out along with Alicia, Brandy, and Kathleen.

"Hey ladies. What happened to your dress?!" Tod exclaimed as he opened the door for us.

"Madison happened, it was a disaster!" I sighed.

We all got in, and left the restaurant, with my now Red dress.

I looked out of the window, silent the whole ride back.

Tod opened the door for us, and I said "Thank you!" And I ran inside, up the stairs and into Brandy and I's room.

I jerked off the dress, and screamed in frustration.

I quickly got in the shower, put in my Shampoo, washed it out. Then, put in my conditioner, and washed that out. I sniffed the air, it smelled like hair dye.

Nah that can't be, maybe it's just the Tomato Juice that I'm smelling.

After that, I washed my body, then scrubbed all my makeup off, and got dressed into Rainbow Pyjamas. I love Rainbows!

That's my favorite color, apart form Turquoise.

Kathleen, and Alicia and sat on Brandy's bed, along with her.

I sat on my bed, and then Kathleen spoke up.

"Madison's a little bitc-" Kathleen started.

"Language!" I scolded her.

"Well it's true!" She said.

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