Chapter 4: Persevere

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Dyvahn snuck to the back door and slowly, cautiously opened it. He paused and cringed as it creaked. Dyvahn quickly checked over his shoulder than darted out the door.

"Dad!" Dyvahn exclaimed caught off guard.

"Where are you going?" Dad raised an eyebrow at him as he leaned casually along the side of the house.

"I thought you were working..."


"I was going to the village," Dyvahn smiles.

"Did you ask your Mom?"

Dyvahn sighed, "No," he didn't dare lie to his father.

Dad shook his head, "I'm not sure I should give you this present for always running away. You're ten, Dyvahn, you should've learned to listen five years ago."

The boy looked down at his feet, rubbing the dirt around subconsciously. He was surprised about a present, but Dad always made him feel like he didn't deserve it. After a brief moment of silence, Dad pat his son on the shoulder.

"Come on, I've got something to show you," Dad motioned for his son to follow.

Dyvahn ambled behind Dad, head low. They didn't speak to each other the entire walk across the Grassland to the village. It was windy, causing the grass time move in unison like an ocean wave. Dyvahn imagined he was a RiverDragon. He ducked down, so only his eyes were above the grass, stalking his prey. The FatherDragon was oblivious as he wandered what he thought was safe territory. Dyvahn ever so slowly, and quietly, crouched behind Dad. He was gaining on his prey.

"RAAAH! Fear the mighty RiverDragon!" Dyvahn pounced on Dad, trying to scramble up his back.

Dad fell to the ground with a yelp. Dyvahn jumped off him, heart racing. Dad laid, hidden by the grass, motionless. Dyvahn crawled towards him, shaking nervously. Suddenly, he opened one eye, saw Dyvahn, then shut it and stuck his tongue out. Dyvahn giggled, and crawled onto his father's back.

"I have conquered my enemy!" Dyvahn roared cheerfully.

Dad rolled and stood up, brushing himself off. His mood had changed, something had snapped in him.

"Come on, we got to get your surprise," he said sternly.

Dyvahn stood quickly, making sure to keep his gaze at his father's feet. He felt he had done something wrong, but he wasn't sure exactly what. They walked for a long while in silence, an awkward silence; a silence that felt like walking on glass. Dad would glance sometimes at Dyvahn as if he were about to reprimand him, but he didn't say anything. Dyvahn stared at the village as they neared it, but Dad wasn't headed anywhere near the trade center.

"Where are we going?" Dyvahn questioned.

Dad laughed and rubbed Dyvahn's head, making his hair go wild, "You'll find out. Patience is the name of the game, son."

Dyvahn let out an exaggerated sigh; he trudged behind his father impatiently, glancing around for hints of their destination. They traveled down a dirt track, farther and farther away from the center of the village. A strong scent was carried by the late afternoon breeze. Dyvahn gagged and stared at the large building they approached.

"Dyvahn, do you know what the GrasslandTribe celebrates yearly?" Dad questioned as approached the stables, many noises erupting from it.

"A horse race... I think; am I right, Dad?"

Dad smiled and nodded. Dyvahn stared forward, excitement surging through every muscle in his body. A horse, just for me. Will I race? Who do I get? Will Dad get me a past winner? Will he be strong and muscular?

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