Chapter 1

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~Ash in the picture~

Ash stood up and checked out his newly dyed hair in the mirror. He hated his blonde hair, and he finally had the chance to dye it black. His gaze went lower to his stomach. Disgusting. He pinched the skin on his hips. He looked at the scars on his stomach, where he tried to cut the fat off. They were barely visible now. On his wrist, there used to be a scar that said, "Don't eat." But it's not visible anymore, it healed. He put on his shirt and pants, skinny jeans make you look like you weigh a little more, because baggy jeans would literally fall off him. Too bad for him, his skinny jeans were baggy to him. He fixed his hair quickly then walked downstairs. His mom wasn't up yet, so he quickly got out a piece of bread. He ripped the bread in half, and put some crumbles on the plate. He then went outside, and threw the bread to the neighbor's dog, who quickly ate it up. He went back inside and sat in the chair in front of the bread. His mother walked down. "Hey sweetie, hurry up and eat breakfast, you'll be late for school." Ash smiled and said, "I already ate. And I'll walk, I need the exercise anyway." He kissed his mom's cheek and walked out of his house. He ran to his school, which was sixteen blocks away, without stopping to take a breath. He was about to run into the school, but he ran into someone. "Watch where you're going, freak!" Said a preppy girl voice. "S-sorry.." Ash mumbled and quickly walked away from her, to his locker. He got out everything he needed and went to his first class. He sat down and crossed his legs. He closed his eyes and went into his own little world for the time being. Until he heard something that caught his interest. The directions were, 'Write a poem of your own." He didn't mind this. He got out a piece of paper and started writing. "There once was a boy, He was an artist, but wait just a moment, this story has a twist, his paintbrush is a razor, and his canvass is his wrist. His paint is made of blood, and his art is very unloved. His art is to die for, that's great since he doesn't want to live anymore. There was an artist, was once did live, though his artwork was beautiful, it killed him." He finished writing quickly. Just then he noticed that someone was looking at his paper. It was the boy who sat next to him, Skyler Greene. "You shouldn't think such thoughts, thoughts turn into actions." He said in a soft musical voice. "And you shouldn't care." Ash said back, just as softly. Luckily the bell rang just in time, and Ash quickly rushed out of the room.
The rest of his day went by pretty slow, since it was very boring. It was now lunch time, which was his 6th period(Class). He only had one class to go to after lunch. But lunch. Ugh. Disgusting. He sat down at a table alone, his friends, or Friend, doesn't have the same lunch period. He sighed and stared down at the tray. He was hungry. But he wasn't going to eat. Eating means calories, and calories turn into fat, and fat means disgusting. He shoves his plate away. Suddenly he felt a presence behind him. "Your not hungry?" The low, musical voice asked. "No. I'm not." Ash answered, not looking behind him. He already recognized that voice from the morning. It was Skylar. Skylar sat next to him and scooted Ash's food back toward him. "You should eat anyway. If you don't, you won't be able to concentrate later." Ash rolled his eyes. "I only have one class left." He replied sarcastically. "You should still eat." Skyler said, looking serious. Ash glared. "And you should leave me alone. I guess we all don't get what we wish for, do we?" Ash answered. Skylar chuckled, even though it wasn't genuine. "I guess not." He said softly. The bell rang, meaning that it was time for Ash to go. He quickly went to his next class, wanting to get out of the situation. Once that class ended, Ash decided to go on a run. He ran down to a near by bike trail, and desided to use that as his running path. He started jogging, wanting to save some of his energy later on. As he was running, he noticed the sky was turning a Dark gray. He ignored it and kept jogging. He was breathing slow, deep breathes, to keep his heart from bursting out of his chest. Just.. A... Little.. More.. Ash though as he kept running. His vision was getting blurry, so he finally decided that it was time for a short break. He sat down on a near by bench, breathing deeply and heavily. He put his head between his knees, waiting for the dizziness to subside. Once it finally subsided, he realized he felt a hand rubbing soft circles on his back. "Are you okay?" Asked the soft voice. Suddenly, a wave of nausea came over him. He groaned loudly and shoved his head on the unknowns person's chest. He gaged slightly and put his hand over his mouth. He started shaking from trying to keep it down. The soft voice said, "Don't. That'll make it worst." Then they lead him over to a near by trash can. Ash leaned over the trash and hacked up (not much at all) digested food, until there was nothing left, which didn't take long. Soon he looked up, to thank the person who helped him. That is, until he saw who it was. "Are you some type of stalker?" Ash asked, his voice sounded dry and raw. There, standing in all his glory, was Skylar. "Or, you could just say I'm your hero." Skylar cracked, chuckling at his own joke. "Do you need a ride home?" He then asked, more serious. Ash nodded. "Yes, I definitely do." Ash said, relived. Skylar nodded. He then started to pick Ash up. "Boy, what you doin'!" Ash yelled, eyes wide. Skylar shrugged. "Okay then. Walk." He said briefly. Ash nodded and started walking, but quickly almost fell over. "Crap." He whined. Skylar chuckled and picked him up bridal style. Soon, they were in a care, on there way to Ash's house.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it! This hasn't gotten views yet, but I'm gonna keep on writing! YOLO!!
~DestAnomynous xoxo

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