Chapter 4

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Ash opened his mouth to speak. "Um... Err... Uh..." He looked extremely confused. Skylar nodded toward the door stiffly. "Get out. And don't speak to me ever again." He said darkly. Ash glared. "I'm not leaving. Tell me what's wrong." He stated. Skylar shook his head. "No! Get out!" He yelled. Ash didn't back down though, he walked closer to Skylar. "I already said, I'm not leaving, and you can't make me." He growled. Skylar pushed Ash into the door, making his back slam against it. Ash winced in pain. "I said get out!" Skylar hissed, kneeing Ash in the stomach, making Ash double over. Skylar opened the door and pushed Ash out, making Ash slam against the wall. Ash whimpered in pain. Skylar slammed his door shut. Ash coughed up a little blood. Blood dribbled down his chin as he slowly stood up. Ash quickly ran out of his house, toward his house. Once Ash got to his house, he locked himself up in his room. He slumped down the wall, with his head between his knees. Maybe he could.. No, he ran out of them. He groaned loudly. He pulled his hair in frustration. What did he do? Does Skylar hate him now? More importantly, what should he do to get Skylar back? Ash groaned again. He felt dizzy. His stomach hurt. His back hurt. His legs hurt. But worst of all, his heart hurt. He got up slowly and went to the bathroom. Ash took his clothes off and looked in his mirror. There was already a bruise forming on his stomach. There were also bruised forming down his back. He turned on the shower and slowly stepped. The water was hot and it stung his skin, but he didn't care. Once he was done taking a shower, he got in his bed and drifted off to sleep.

Once it was morning, Ash quickly did his routine. Once he ran to school, he managed to avoid everyone in the hall and get his stuff out of his locker quickly. Once Ash arrived to his classroom, his skin was prickling with nervousness and anticipation. Skylar walked in, his face was hardened and cold. His eyes showed no emotion. His former lilac eyes were glazed over with darkness, and were lifeless. He slumped down in his seat next to Ash. Ash stared at him for a few moments the looked back at the board, trying to pay attention. A few minutes later, he felt someone tap him in his shoulder. Ash glanced up. There was a girl there, she had dark black eyes and chocolate brown skin. "Um... Yes?" Ash asked. She smiled. "The teacher said to work with partners so... Wanna be my partner?" Ash hesitated and glanced over at Skylar. Skylar was already talking to a girl with bleach blond hair. Ash looked back over at the girl. "I guess.. Yeah, sure." He said with a caution filled voice. The girl nodded. She grabbed a chair and pulled it up. Once she sat down, she said, "I'm Cassie. What's your name?" Ash blinked. "Call me Ash." He stated simply. He looked anywhere but Cassie. "So, um... What are we doing?" He asked. She answered, but Ash wasn't paying attention. He was looking, no, glaring at Skylar. Skylar glanced up and caught his gaze. Skylar glared back, it looked so cold that it wouldn't be a surprise if it didn't start snowing. Skylar got up and started walking toward Ash.

DON'T KILL ME! I know where this is going, I promise. And if you didn't understand, then let me know. Also I know this is a short chapter, but don't complain! I hated writing about the incident that shall not be named. So, please enjoy and don't kill me.

Also, if didn't notice there was a hint about what Skylar looks like. Yes, that's it. His eyes are lilac. Anyway, if you want me to put up a picture of Skylar, just tell me!

~DestAnonymous xoxo

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