Chapter 13: Water Play

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The day has gone by reasonably quickly and all had been well. Now the final class of the day that I am dreading, gym class. I mean, I don't hate gym class. In fact, I love doing sports and exercising. It's just the fact that I am debating on how I am going to change in the change room without the guys seeing me. I would change in my room and then come to the gym, but frankly, the teacher doesn't give us any time to go to our rooms first, so we have to come right to the change rooms to change instead. Ugh, this is so frustrating. I've been in such a foul mood ever since lunch when Haruki mentioned that we have gym last period.

"Earth to Rocky," Ichigo says as he waves his hand in front of my face, "Come back to earth Rocky." I scowl at him and roll my eyes.

"Shove off Ichy," I respond in annoyance. Ichigo scoffs.

"Geez, who peed on your breakfast this morning?" Ichigo asks. I glare at him.

"Aren't you supposed to say who peed in your cheerios this morning?" I ask sarcastically. Ichigo rolls his eyes and sighs.

"Well, I would have said that, but you didn't have cheerios this morning," Ichigo states. I roll my eyes.

"Whatever," I respond dryly.

"Rocky, seriously, what's with you all of a sudden?" Ichigo asks curiously.

"Yeah, what happened?" Rihito asks curiously as he approaches us. I look at both of them with a blank expression.

"What are you talking about?" I ask in confusion.

"You were perfectly fine this morning. Your normal, usual, cheery self then ever since lunch you've been all moody and snapping at us," Ichigo explains as he squats down in front of my desk.

"Yeah, what's with the sudden change in mood?" Rihito asks as he squats beside Ichigo. The both of them look at me worriedly. "Did we do something to make you mad?" I simply sigh.

"Fine, don't answer, but hurry up," Ichigo says as he stands back up.

"Oh yeah, we have gym class now," Rihito replies as he too stands back up. Ugh, no, guys, don't mention gym class. That's the exact reason why I've been in such a foul mood. I really didn't want to have to think about it.

"Rocky, can we get going like today?" Ichigo asks in annoyance as he taps his foot on the ground. I sigh as I slowly make my way to a standing position. "There we go. Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?" I glare at him.

"Ichy, I am this close to punching you in the face, so I suggest you stop talking right now," I warn. Ichigo snaps his mouth shut as he eyes go wide. Rihito silently smirks and tries to hold back a laugh. I sigh again as I grab my bag and the three of us walk out of class together. We head straight for the change rooms. I trail behind them as much as I can.

"Rocky, keep up or we're going to be late," Rihito says impatiently.

"Uh, I'll see you guys in there. I have to go to the washroom," I respond making up an excuse as I quickly dash to the washroom.

"Rocky?!" Ichigo and Rihito exclaim in shock. Sorry guys, but I need some privacy right now. I rush into the washroom and rush into a stall, slamming shut behind me then locking it. I sigh as I start taking my gym clothes out. I change quickly into shorts and a shirt. I unlock the stall and go out. I stand in front of the mirror. Suddenly, my eyes widen in panic. Oh no. My thighs!! I mean, my thighs aren't necessarily huge, but they're noticingly bigger than all of the guys. Ugh. I sigh heavily as I go back into the stall and change into some loose sweatpants. Aw man, I'm going to be sweating in these. I guess this is the price of enrolling in an all boys school. Once I'm finished I sprint out of the washroom and head towards the gym. God, I am so late. Hopefully, I won't get in too much trouble. I make my way into the gym. When I enter everybody looks at me.

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