Chapter 21: The Zoo Trip

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Finally! Exams are over and I think I did well. Hopefully I got over 95%. I am crossing my fingers that I did. At one point during my french exam though Rihito and Ichigo came bursting into the classroom asking the teacher if they could borrow me for a second. I was like what the heck guys?! I mean, I was in the middle of taking an exam and they couldn't have waited until after the exam to tell me whatever it was that they needed to tell me? Haruki said that he tried to stop them, but that they wouldn't listen to him. Poor Haruki, always trying to stop trouble from being caused and then there's just these two idiots who always cause trouble no matter where they go. Anyways, I thought maybe what they had to tell me was super important, like my dad is in the hospital or something, but no. All they wanted to say was that they wanted to know what another word for stubborn was. I mean, seriously?! They took me out of my exam to ask me what another word for stubborn is?! I was so pissed off that I didn't even tell them another word for stubborn and just stomped back into the classroom to finish my exam. Afterwards, they apologized and said that they just wanted to know how I was doing on the exam. I forgave them of course. I feel like I forgive them too quickly sometimes. Anyways, the results for the exams will be posted up soon. I am so nervous.

"It's ok Rocky," Haruki states as he places his hand on my shoulder, "I know you'll do great."

"Thanks Haru, but I can't help it," I explain as I twiddle my thumbs. He chuckles. Soon the results are posted and all the students come rushing towards them. I squint my eyes to see my results. My eyes widen and I smile brightly when I see my results. "Yes!"

"I take that you did good?" Haruki asks curiously. I nod.

"I got 100% on all my tests! I'm so happy and yet so surprised at the same time," I respond with a smile. Haruki looks at me in surprise.

"Whoa, 100 huh?" Haruki asks in shock, "That's pretty impressive." I giggle and hug him. Soon the others come over as well.

"Hey, how'd you guys do?" Ichigo asks curiously.

"I did good," Haruki replies before pointing at me, "Rocky here got 100% on all her tests." The guys all stare at me in shock.

"Wow, you're smart," Ryuzo states with an impressed expression. I shrug my shoulders and smile.

"That's what studying is for," I state as I raise my eyebrow at Ichigo and Rihito.

"Hey, I passed at least," Ichigo states.

"Pffft, yeah, barely," Rihito says with a scoff.

"Shut up Rihito!" Ichigo exclaims glaring at Rihito, "It's not like you did any better."

"Guys, can we please not start the day off with you two fighting?" I ask with pleading eyes. They both sigh as give each other one last glare before nodding. I smile and nod back. "Alright, I think this calls for a celebration."

"Yeah, we should go somewhere fun today," Haruki suggests. We all nod.

"Anybody got any ideas?" Ryuzo asks. We all shake our heads unsure.

"How about the zoo?" Takeshi asks. We all look at him in wonder. "We still have those tickets that we won at the Battles of the Bands and one extra ticket for Rocky to come along with us."

"Yeah, sure, let's go," Ichigo says with a nod.

"What about you Rocky?" Rihito asks smiling at me, "Do you want to go to the zoo?"

"Yeah, sure, sounds fun," I respond with a shrug, "Let me just change out of my uniform first."

"Yeah, I guess we can do that first," Haruki agrees. We all rush to our rooms and get changed into more casual clothes. I put on a pair of skinny jeans and purple tank top along a pair of converse. "Rocky, are you almost done?"

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