T h i r t e e n

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Love Beyond All Things

Kiara made her way through the mass of students ignoring all the whispers and comments around her.

It had been three weeks since she left the lecture feeling dizzy and sick.

There were rumors that she was suffering from leukemia and had less than a year to live. Kiara had spent three weeks in her room since then, cooped up in her room, hardly eating and crying all day.

All her hopes dreams and ambitions had come crashing down in the doctor's cabin that day. Whoever thought of dying at the young age of eighteen, while people of her age were busy partying and enjoying life?

She sat next to the window and looked out, trying to avoid the curious gazes directed at her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw someone sit next to her and turned. To her amazement it was Russell, the boy she detested ever since the first day.

However, today he looked at her and gave her a weak smile.

Her eyes narrowed. What was he up to now?

Sensing her doubt, he shook his head. "You were gone for a long time," he said.

Probably, he still hadn't heard the news.

"No, I was unwell." She replied.

"Oh! What was it?" he asked her.

She hesitated before replying. Telling him would just confirm the rumors. What if people began avoiding her then?

"Leukemia," she answered finally.

As predicted, he gasped.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

She fought the urge to roll her eyes. As if a mere 'sorry', would show what she was going through.

He uttered a few more condolences which just irritated her all the more.

"As if you really know!!" She snapped when she had enough.

What did he know about death? He didn't have to worry about that, until he was nearly sixty.

"I know, Kiara." He said quietly.

A crease appeared between her eyebrows, curiosity replacing anger, "How?"

"My mother died of cancer a year ago." He said turning away.

It was now Kiara's turn to be shocked. "I had no idea." She said regretfully.

He shrugged, "It's alright. It made me realize death is inevitable."

Kiara just gazed at him silently. She had never seen this side of him before - so different from his usual arrogant, know-it-all attitude.

"Would you like to come with me to pick Sara up? I know your sister Careen studies in the same school." He asked her after a pause.

Russell's sister Sara and her sister Careen, studied in the school just a mile away from their university.

She nodded.


Surprisingly, Kiara began to find him fun. He talked about almost anything and everything. For the first time in weeks, she felt like smiling again.

The next few days passed in the same way and she began to look forward coming to class and meeting Russell despite her detoriating health.

One day, Russell even invited her home.

She was a bit reluctant at first, but he urged her.

"Come on, Ki!!" he pleaded, "I swear it won't be too stressful. Besides, you have no idea how much I am looking forward to teach you how to make lasgna!!"

"You know how to cook?" She asked him incredously.

She on the other hand was a very poor one. As a kid, she detested even entering the kitchen.

He nodded. "Mom taught me when I was eight. Unlike you, I was fond of cooking."

"Fine, I'll come over at five."she said.

"No need for that!!" He assured her. "I already talked to your mother. I'll pick you up."

Her eyes widened, "You told Mom!! How on earth did you know I would agree?"

He smirked, "In the past few months, I have come to know you from Adam."

Kiara did have lot of fun that day. She made a mess in the kitchen, and even teamed up with Sara to cake his face with flour.

However, all the excitement did take a toll on her health. She began to feel dizzy halfway through and had to be rushed to the hospital immediately. Russell was with her the entire time, and even refused to leave her side at night when her mother told him to go and rest.

Kiara knew her end was drawing in since it had already been quite late when they diagnosed the illness. However, unlike the last time, she wasn't sad. In the past few months, she had discovered so much more joy. She had learnt the lesson of true love - love which lasts even after death.

Russell visited her everyday with flowers and books. She knew he was hurting inside but put up the facade of hope just to see her smile.

"Russell,will you do me a favour?" She asked him one day as she lay n the hospital bed.

His forehead creased in worry. "What's wrong Ki? Does it pain anywhere? Should I call the doctor?" He asked her worriedly.

She shook her head, "It is not my illness I wish to talk about."


Russell, promise me that when I did," he cringed at this. However, she went on, "Promise me that you will not let our story fade with me. You must tell it to the world so that people may learn to love and live life how ever little time they have."

"Kiara, I ..er.."

"Promise me."

"I promise," he said, blinking back the tears that threatened to fall.

Early next morning, he received the news that Kiara died late last night. Sadness engulfed him, but it didn't diminish the promise he had made.

.....Ten Years Later.....

Russell and Sara stood near Kiara's grave in silence.

He had kept his promise. He had written a book called "Love Beyond All Things", which told their untold love story to millions.

Moreover, in fond memory of his late beloved, he had built an institution in her name, which still provides hope to billions of cancer patients all over the world.


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