Chapter One

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Chapter One

I finish playing Taylor Swift’s song Tear drops on my Guitar with a G chord and the cluster of people give me a small applause. A few passerby’s throw in loose change and I shout out words of appreciation to them. I look at my open guitar case and smile. I probably made about ten dollars today. Add the ten dollars I made at work today, and I had about twenty dollars! Mom would be so happy. That is, if she was awake for me to tell her the news.

These days, mom sleeps a lot. I guess it helps her avoid the pain, and I want her to be pain free for as long as she can since sometimes we can’t afford to buy her pain killers. Even though mom always praises me and tells me how grateful she is for all my hard work, I always feel guilty. I could make more money somehow.

There was a strip club a few blocks away, and a few of my friends have told me I can pass for an eighteen year old. If I know right, I think that’s how old you have to be to work there. And I know they make a lot of money. And I’ll try to make as much money for my mom. Even if it means doing something that disgusting.

I thank the crowd around me and pack up my things. I check my watch and groan. 11:30. I still had at least an hour of homework to do.

But there was one thing I had to do first.

The strip bar was dimly lit and the music blasted as the women danced in front of disgusting lustful men. How sick. I shivered as a few men began to look at me. A big man in a big black uniform was standing by a closed door. He had to be at least six feet tall, and the muscles he had probably meant he was at the gym for hours a day just tuning their perfection. He wore sunglasses, so no one could see where his eyes were lurking (though I had an idea). As I approached him, I felt his eyes shift to me.

“Hi. I’m looking for the boss.”

“The boss doesn’t talk to girls like you.” He had a heavy New York accent. Jeez, I feel like I’m in the Godfather.

“I wanna work here.”

“Boss doesn’t’ talk to girls like you.” He raised his shades, and I was met with eyes that were as black as night. “Now get ‘outta here.” I stood still, not faltered by his scare tactics.

I was seeing this boss if it killed me.

An old lady who smelt of cigarettes and beer walked past us, dressed up in a bunny suit. You could easily see the age through her thighs and wrinkles that lined her elbows and face. She had attempted to get a Botox surgery, but it was to no avail. She still looked as old as she probably was.

“Obviously, you need someone on your front lines to replace her,” I jerked my head in the lady’s direction, “And I’m the girl. My boobs may not be as big as some of these girls, but I’ve got legs, and I’m defiantly not innocent.” There was a lie. I was as innocent as a toddler.

The big guy sighed and stepped aside. I grasped the handle and opened the door.

The office was HUGE. There was a big desk and I saw him. The boss. He was wearing a suit, and was obviously aging. A young girl in spandex and a bra thing was giving him a lap dance. The boss moaned in pleasure, and I could see the disgust in the woman’s eyes. I coughed and the girl stopped shaking her ass in his face.

“You can go, Cassandra.” He said in a very husky voice.

Cassandra’s heels clicked along the marble floors and she winked at me before leaving the office.

“Can I help you?” He asked, taking on a very business man annoyed tone.

“I wanna work here.” The guy laughed right in front of me. No, it wasn’t a laugh. It was hysterical laughter. Like he thought I couldn’t do it.

But it was true. I probably couldn’t pull it off.

No! Rae do it for your mom!

I slowly, as seductively as possible, walked to his side and sat on his lap.

“I’ve heard that you’re in need of girls. Girls like me.” I wound my long legs around his waist, and I felt him press against me. Struggling against the growing disgust in the pit of my stomach, I gave him my best seductive smile. “I can do the job. If you’d like.”

“I’d like you to do more than that.” He said, now placing his hands on my ass. I grimaced, but gritted my teeth, remembering that this was for a better cause. This was to get my mom better.

I pressed my forehead across his forehead so we were inches apart. I licked my lips and felt him get more excited. “When can you work?” His voice was just ask husky as when Cassandra was doing her job. I had this in the bag.

“Whenever you want me to.” I said, standing from his lap, and brushing myself off. He stared at me. More gawked at me.

“Playing hard to get are we?”

“That’s why they’ll love me.” I winked, trying to make more space between us.

“Come when you’re available. We’ll have you…measured and fitted.” His eyes were just on my chest. I shivered.

“I’ll make sure to.” I said in my sexy voice.

He licked his lips, mocking me. “I’ll be waiting for you.” He said as I walked out the door.

Jeez this place is full of psychos. I thought to myself while hurrying out the door. Before I left, I noticed one stripper who had wads of hundred dollar bills stuffed in her bra. If I could be as successful as that girl, mom would be fine.

I’m just gonna have to suck it up for a little while.

It’s for a better cause.

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