Chapter Thirty

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            The power behind whatever machine was shooting me up onto the stage was a lot stronger than I had anticipated. Once the first verse started, I began singing from underneath the stage. I was tense, waiting to be shot up. And finally, it came during first line of the first verse. I flew into the air and had to close my mouth to keep from yelping out. I tucked my legs as instructed and landed on the stage as smoothly as a person as socially and functionally awkward as myself could manage. I wobbled a little in the heels, but I’m pretty sure no one noticed. They were too busy freaking out, screaming my name, to notice. I beamed and walked toward the front of the stage and began to sing.

            To be completely honest, I wasn’t too sure if any of them heard what I was actually saying. They were all screaming pretty loud. After the first song, the screaming didn’t stop. They were chanting my name, saying other things I couldn’t quite discern, and some were even waving around posters or pictures of me. I was amazed to say the least.

            “Hey guys!” I said shakily. Oh God Rae you sound like a freak. Take a deep breath and keep it together. “Did you all like the first song?” I was met with a loud roar from the audience and smiled nervously. “I’m going to take that as a yes.”

            “I love you, Rae!” Someone in the front row screamed. I chuckled.

            “I love you too, stranger!” Everyone erupted in laughter, even the band behind me. I turned around and gave them a ‘what do I do now?’ look and they began to strum the chords to “Why the Caged Bird Sings.”

            “No escape, no escape, the walls are closing in…” everyone in the audience sang along with me and I smiled.

            Once again, after this song, the audience exploded in a frantic frenzy. I smiled and thanked all of them and the set continued. It went on like that for another thirty minutes or so. I would sing a song, the crowd would freak out, I would talk to them for a little, and the band would bring me in with the next song. It was a pretty fun experience. My eyes kept scanning the crowd for any familiar faces. Granted, I didn’t know anyone in Ohio, I still searched for someone. And by someone, I mean Gabe of course.

            Gosh, Rae, you are being so desperate. He probably isn’t even paying attention probably. He’s heard all of this before. I chastised myself. Finally, it was time for the final song. Before the band began to play, one of the guitarists called me over. Puzzled, I came up to him and he whispered something in my ear.

            “They’re doing some special effects in this song since it’s your last one, so you need to make sure to stand right where the “X” is. See it?” He nodded toward the center of the stage and I saw taped onto the ground, a giant red “X.” I nodded and the guitarist patted my back before I made my way there.

            “This is the last song of the night. Thank you all for coming and supporting me. I love you all!” I blew the crowd a kiss and was met back with shouts of adoration. Finally, the band began to play “Blame it on the Rain,” and I began. I got really into the music and I was shaking my head and my hair was flying everywhere. I danced with the microphone and the audience felt the fun vibe and it was just great. Then, the bridge began.

            Blame it on the rain that was falling, falling…

            And suddenly, from above me, rain began falling. Well, it wasn’t rain, but it was water that came down like rain. I gaped and stopped singing for a moment. But the band continued playing and the crowd began to sing for me. “You had to prove you were strong ooh, if you hadn’t been so blinded, she might still be there with you...” Finally, after taking a moment to chuckle and compose myself, I began to sing along with them.  

            The song finally ended and I laughed along with the crowd. “Well, I wasn’t expecting that. Thank you all for covering for me for a minute, you should all come on tour with me! Thank you all for coming tonight, I hope you liked my first concert!” I took a bow and the audience freaked out, I acknowledged the band behind me as they took their bow. Finally, I ran forward to the front of the stage, and took a final bow. A few hands reached out for me, and I grabbed their hands, shaking them, giving them high fives, and thanking them one more time before running back and off the stage.

            The backstage crew was waiting for me with open arms. I ran into them and hugged and thanked them all. The band joined in and we all proclaimed a victory cry before breaking apart. I searched around the theater for Gabe, but I couldn’t seem to find him anywhere. My heart sank. See? You should have never gotten your hopes up. He’s probably got better things to do.

            One of the stage managers tapped me on the shoulder and I jumped up in surprise. He chuckled and pointed toward an exit door. “We’re going to start cleaning up now, but you’ve gotta get to your next destination. The band and is all packed up and in their bus. You should probably get to yours. We’ve got a few security guards who are going to escort you out. It was a pleasure working for you, miss.” I saw behind his shaking hands was a picture of me.

            “Do you want me to sign that?”

            “Oh well if it isn’t too much! I have three daughters at home who just love you, and I know they would be so happy if I was able to bring this home for them.” He said quickly. I took the picture and permanent marker and scribbled my name on the bottom left corner. He smiled gratefully and three security guards began to lead me out the door.

            It was a bit of a walk down long hallways and twisting corners until we reached a back door. The theater or stadium or whatever you call this place was huge. No one said anything until we reached the doors. “Ok well thank you very much for taking me this far I think I can show myself the way out.”

            “We have instructions to see that you get in your bus safely.” The biggest guard answered. I nodded and they opened the doors for me. We were back outside, and the bus was a good twenty feet away. And there standing in front of it was Gabe. And at that moment, I didn’t care about the safety precautions, or how desperate I would probably look. All I could see was the big smile plastered on his face, and I knew that I was the reason behind it.

            So I did what any normal, hormonal teenage girl would do, and I ran up to him at breakneck speed, passing the security guards and I ran into his open, outstretched arms. The security guards were yelling behind me that I was breaking protocol, but I didn’t care at all. Gabe lifted me up in the air and I beamed back at him. He finally placed me on the ground just in time for the guards to reach us. “I can take it from here, guys. Thank you for getting her this far.” Gabe said smoothly. The guards turned back around and walked back into the theater stadium thing, the heavy metal doors slamming behind them. I turned back around to see that Gabe was looking at me intensely. His hands were still wrapped around my waist and my arms were still slung around his neck. I met his gaze for a moment and we stared each other down, not one of us saying a single word. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore, and I averted my eyes and took a step back. “You were awesome.” He finally began awkwardly.

            “Uh….thanks. I didn’t know you were watching actually.” I fumbled. “Not that I don’t think you don’t support me cause I know you do!” I rambled. Gabe smirked and opened up the door to the bus. He let me walk up the stairs first and he followed me into the van. I turned around just in front of the door to the room/bathroom and narrowed my eyes at him. “And by the way, thanks for telling me about the special effects at the end.” He laughed really hard and my frown intensified.

            “Well I can’t tell you everything. It keeps the job fun.” He winked at me and I felt my cheeks heat up. “Goodnight, Rae.”

            “Goodnight Gabe.” I answered back as I closed the door. 

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