Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Lady Gaga is doing our dance audition?! Oh God I’m screwed.

“I’m assuming you girls have already warmed up?” No one said anything. “Awesome. Let’s get going.” She walked to a speaker system and the familiar beat to her hit song Love Game. “Watch what I do.”

And she started to dance.

Her body moved in ways that I couldn’t even imagine possible. Most of them I supposed were different…positions if you know what I mean. The dance ended with her in some split thingy. She hadn’t even broken a sweat.

All the girls went wild, surrounding her.

Everyone except for me.

They were hugging her, and just inches away from her. They seriously couldn’t get any closer to her.

She stood up, forcing the crowd of girls to back away a few feet.

“Alright. So our dance audition won’t be that…complicated… but I want something advanced, difficult, and that will show your sexy side.” Most of the girls laughed, but a few girls awkwardly shuffled around. I think I was the only one to notice though. Partly because my eyes weren’t glued on Lady Gaga.

We went through the dance rather fast, and before I knew it, an hour had passed. It was time for the dance audition. Lady Gaga had put us in groups of four and we’d all perform the dances for the judges. Afterward, they would write things down ,and we’d sit down silently and watch as the other girls went.

I was the last group to go.

And to make things worse, I was with the best dancers in the class. The ones who could mimic Lady Gaga’s routine and have it mastered in a few minutes. Whereas, it took me an hour to get the first verse down perfect.

But I guess it was a good thing, because I could kinda watch them and copy them to the best of my ability.

“Group ten, you’re up!” That was me. Me and three other girls walked in front of Lady Gaga and two fancily dressed men. This is freaking scary.

And the music started.

I was pretty impressive during the first verse. I was sharp, on time, and most everything was perfect. Until I got to the second verse. That’s when everything went downhill. The good dancers were behind me, and I couldn’t see what they were doing.

I couldn’t just stand there!

So I basically made up my own dance. I dropped low the ground and slinked my body back up in the sexiest way I could imagine. The judges held back smiles, and Lady Gaga winked at me.

This day couldn’t get much worse.

When we finished, we sat down next to all the girls and judges began to read off numbers. Twenty or so girls were selected out of fifty of us, and they were sent into another room. Then he had all the other girls stand up.

“Number Three, Twenty Seven, Thirty Nine, Fifteen, and Fifty Eight, please stay seated. The rest of you, follow Mr. Martin.” A man dressed in all black took the like thirty girls or so. Then, Lady Gaga was the only one left with us. She gave us a sad smile.

“One of those groups is moving on, the other is going home. As for you five, we couldn’t decide where to put you. This is your one shot. Tomorrow morning you come here at 9:00 sharp. You’ll stand in front of the corporate officers of this recording group, and sing an original song. I hope you understand the word ORIGIONAL. God forbid I found out the lyrics aren’t yours, you’ll be out of here in a heartbeat.” She looked at each of us.

“Now get out and get writing.”

We all bolted out the door.

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