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Olympia looked down over the edge. It had to be at least a 200 foot drop, but she wanted to see what was down below. Everyone that she talked to said to stay away. Being a normal rebellious thirteen year old, this struck an interest in her.

Her best friend, Jesse, had told Olympia to stay away from it, but her curiosity had gotten the better of her.

"Sorry Jesse," Olympia muttered under her breath then started to look for a trail down the mountain.

She followed a trail until she found another cliff. Olympia looked around some more, but wasn't able to find another trail. Olympia decided to backtrack just in case she missed a trail.

Nothing. She had spent an hour looking, and what did she have to show for it? Nothing.

There had to be a way to get down there, but how. That was so the big question.

Standing up, she brushed herself off and started back to the camp. It was getting late, Jesse were going to be worried. Olympia made her way slowly through thick trees.

There was a rustle in the trees behind her, Olympia gripped her bow tighter and brought her hand down the rest on her sword. The rustling seemed to follow her. All the sudden, a boy jumped out in front of her.

It was hard to see him in the dark, but he looked about her age. He had soft brown eyes and light skin. All together, he didn't look all that dangerous, except for the sword he held in his left hand.

He held the sword like a professional, not like a dumb kid who found weapon. Olympia needed to be careful or she could get seriously hurt. She didn't want to fight unless it was an absolute necessity.

"Wh...who are you?" Olympia asked.

"I'm Kole,you?" He responded.

"Olympia." Olympia told him, " Olympia Vincent."

"Well Olympia, what in the world are you doing snooping the Lost City?" Kole asked.

Olympia was confused, "What does it matter to you?"

The boy brought the sword up and got into a defensive stance. Olympia was confused for a moment, why was he attacking her? Then she heard the foot steps behind her. They sounded far away, but they were getting closer.

Olympia jumped over by where Kole was standing. Fear danced in his eyes. Who was coming?

"Can you use that bow?" Kole asked her.

"Yeah, but I," Olympia started to say, but he quickly cut her off.

"Please, go wait up in that tree. Nock your arrow and your head down, and when I say shoot, shoot who ever is in front of me. I don't care if you kill them or not, but you really don't want these people to take you," Kole looked around frantically.

Olympia did as she was told for once. Something in his voice made her listen. Like if she didn't listen something bad will happen. After scurrying up the tree, she nocked the arrow. They waited for what seemed like an eternity, but finally two men came out of the bushes.

"Kole," one of the men grumbled, "what are you doing way out here? We told you to stay with us."

"Get back. Leave me alone," Kole yelled at them.

"Now Master Kole, put the sword down before you get hurt. Your mother is worried sick about you, so we are taking back. Whether you are conscious or not is entirely up to you," the other man started to slowly walk towards Kole.

"I said stay back," Kole screamed back, "shoot."

She let the arrow fly, hitting the man closest to Kole in the knee. He cried out in pain and hopped backed. The other man took large strides, reaching Kole before either of them had a chance to react. He picked the young boy up by the shirt while Kole squirmed. The man pull out a syringe and stuck into Kole neck. Kole stopped struggling, and his eyes slowly closed.

"Come out now, or I'll make sure that he never wakes up," the man called up to where she was hiding.

When she didn't respond, he grabbed the sword and put it against the sleeping boy's throat, "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six..."

"Stop!" Olympia screamed as she jumped out of the tree.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? You must be the one who shot my companion. That wasn't very nice you know," he said, picking up the unconscious Kole laying next to him.

Olympia quickly grabbed the conch shell that hung at her hip and blew it to warn Jesse that something was wrong. Just as she did so, the man grabbed her by the hood of her sweatshirt and stuck another syringe into her neck. She felt her eyes getting heavier each moment until eventually she lost all consciousness.

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