1- Our Feelings

476 14 2

October 4, 2013

Natalie POV
The principle of the school has just called over the intercom for me and Andrew to come to his office, having no clue what's going on since Andrew is a grade ahead of me and we have no classes together. As I walk into the office I see Andrew already sitting outside the door waiting to be told to come in. "What's going on?" I asked hoping he would know since he is always in the office for some reason and I have never had to be sent to the office. "I honestly don't know this time, I haven't done anything wrong that I know of today and even if I had why would you be called here too," he say sounding just as puzzled as I am. We open the door and entered into the office to find both the principal and the counselor waiting for us. "What's going on?" Andrew asked them as soon as we were standing in front of them. "Your mom was found dead in her car this morning they think she killed herself, there are cops waiting outside to take you both to the morgue so that the body can be identified," the principal tells us and we both just looked at each other in shock. "That's not possible my mother would never kill herself she loved us and would have never just left us," Andrew says angrily not taking their words to be true. "Come on Natalie lets go, we will not stand here and listen to your lies," Andrew said taking my hand and pulling me out of the office. "Drew maybe we should at least go make sure it's not her," I say trying to keep my voice from cracking as I plead with him. "I'll go you should just stay here, I don't want you to have to see a dead body whether it's her or not," he says as he calmly agrees with me. "Drew wait," I say pulling back on his arm to make him look at me. "You not doing this alone, she was my mother too and I would like to be there with you," I say trying to sound brave. "Ok then we do this together," he say taking my hand back into his and we both head out the school to where the cops where awaiting.

Andrew POV
The officer leads us back to a room where a body laid cover with a sheet. "Natalie are you sure you want to do this, you can go back out an wait in the car," I say not wanting to scare her. "No lets do this together," she say calmly and I place my arm around her pulling her close. "Let's get this over with," I say taking a deep breath as they begin to pull the cover back off her face. As soon as my moms face was uncovered Natalie begin to cry hysterically and hid her face into my chest as I fight back tears from escaping my eyes. "Shh it's going to be ok we will make it through this," I tell her as I lead us out of the room.

We quietly make our way upstairs to our rooms after hearing on the answering machine that dad wouldn't be home until noon tomorrow because he was out of town on business and couldn't get a plane until tomorrow morning. I lay in my room trying to work through my thoughts of what could have happens to my mother because I don't believe for a second that she killed herself and I going to do whatever it takes to make sure I find out who did it. I could hear soft cries coming from Natalie's room next to mine and I wished more than anything I could comfort her and help make her forget what she saw. I get up from my bed making my way to my door. I open the door to find Natalie standing there, "I'm sorry I shouldn't bother you but I really don't want to be alone, and I figured maybe you would feel the same." I reach out taking her hand and gently pull her to me, wrapping my arms securely around her. "You never bother me," I whisper to her trying to calm her down while trying to stay strong. As she pulls back from my hug I begin wiping the tears from her eyes with my thumb as my hand rest on her cheek. For several minutes we just stood staring at each other and I begin to fight the urge to kiss her longing to know what it would feel like to have her lips on mine. As if reading my mind her eyes flickered to my lips and that's all it took for me to give in to my feelings. As my lips claimed hers it was only seconds before she was kissing me back. Without breaking out kiss I slowly back us to my bed until I feel my legs hit the edge. I begin to trail kiss down her neck when suddenly she pushed down on the bed. "What was that for," I say causing her to giggle. I quickly grab her arm and pull her to me claiming her lips on mine once again. "I have wanted to do that since the day you walked into this house," I say to her hoping she would feel the same. "Honestly me too, but this is so wrong Drew they will take me from here if anyone finds out," she say in a worried tone. "Then I guess we will just have to keep us a secret," I tell her and with another kiss she had completely given in to me and had stopped trying to fight our feelings. The feeling of her hands on my chest made me crave more of her touch. I quickly pull my shirt over my head allowing her to have full access to my bare chest. I pull us down so that we are now currently laying on my bed as we continue in our now full blown make out session. To my surprise she gets up on her knees and begins pulling her own shirt over her head. As my eyes trail over her body and even through the longing I have to official make her mine I realize we may be taking things to far to quick. "Natalie maybe we should slow down," I say breathless. "I'm sorry I...." She starts to say but I quickly stop her by placing my lips on hers once again. "You have nothing to be sorry about I want this believe me, I just don't want you to regret things in the morning if we take this all the way," I say not wanting see her regret us. "I want this, I want you, and since your dad is probably going to send me back to the group home we have nothing holding us back from our feelings," she say making all the since in the world at the moment since both of our hearts had all the pain we could take for one day and giving it to our feelings just seemed right. "I am so in love with you," I say as I trail kisses down her body then back up before claiming her lips with mine. "Me too," she say as things started to heat up again.

Authors Notes:
That's it for the first chapter, vote, comment, let me know what you think so far.
Watch the video on this chapter to see what the books is going to be about and the see who plays my characters.

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