2- Me and You

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December 7, 2013

Natalie POV
I roll over to find Drew still in the bed beside me and I can't help but smile at the events that  have took place between us last couple months. I wrap the bed sheet around my body as I slip out of bed and begin gathering up my clothes from the floor. "Where do you think your going," Andrew asked causing me to jump. "I was trying to get my clothes to take to my room," I say as I continue to picking up my clothes. "Why are you rushing off, don't you want to stay in bed all day and continue our fun," Andrew says as he comes up behind me and picks me up taking me back to his bed. "Drew we can't continue its already after seven we are going to be late for school, besides you dad could wake up any minute," I say trying to reason with him. "Natalie calm down my dad didn't come home last night," he say as he kisses my neck making it hard for me to protest. "Andrew," I say trying to sound scolding but instead it came out as moan. "Natalie you make it hard for me to control myself when you say may name like that," he says as he looks at me with his eyes dark with lust. Finding it funny I decide to see how far I could push him. "Andrew," I moan again. It was as if I had flipped a switch in him because suddenly he was hovering over me and his lips met mine kissing me roughly. As much as I wanted to get lost in his kiss I knew I had to be strong of we would never make it to school on time. Just as thing started to get heated I managed to flip us over so I was now straddling him. "So you want to be on top this time, I can get used to that," he says making it hard for me to keep a straight face. I lean down placing my lips back onto his kissing him with as much force as I could then quickly broke the kiss, jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom shutting and locking the door behind me. "Natalie that was not cool," he says pouting from the other side of the door. "I have to get a shower before we go to school we are already going to be late because of you dragging me back to bed," I say trying not to laugh. "Baby please let me in I need to shower too," he say still pouting. "Well you should have thought about that earlier," I say no longer able to hold back my laughter. "Come on don't be that way," he says begging. Knowing he wasn't going to go away I open the door. "Fine we can shower together but no funny business," I say seriously. "I promise," he says holding his hands up in defense. "Good," I say before kissing him on the cheek then climbing in the shower.

Andrew POV
Having the same lunch time with Natalie has been the only thing about school I have looked forward to since we don't have any classes together. As the bell rings signaling it's time for us to got to our next periods, I walk to find Natalie so I can get some alone time with her before we have to pretend to just be normal siblings. I spot her standing by her locker which just so happen to be next to a empty classroom so I grab her arm and pull her into the room closing and locking the door behind us. "Drew what the heck," she starts to say but I quickly shut her up by covering her lips with mine kissing her savoring every minute as if it would be out last. "Natalie I wish we didn't have to hid our relationship anymore, because I want the world to know your mine," I tell her as I kiss her on her forehead. "Me to Drew, but right now your dad had kinda forgot I'm around so we don't want to start trouble and him decide to send me back to the group home," she says and I knew she is right but it doesn't make hiding out relationship any easier. "What if we just tell our friends I know they will not say anything and that way at least we wont have to hid our relationship around them." I suggest to her just wanting to make it known she is mine to someone. "Fine," she say and that simple word made my heart leap with joy. "Then let's go," I say taking her hand in mine and leading her to our usual table were out friends were setting.

"We have something we would like to tell you guys," I start off and I fell Natalie place her hand in mine. "Me and Natalie are together," I blurt out then await their reactions. "Dude we already knew that," Matt say laughing. "Wait what how did the three of you find out?" Natalie ask in shock. "Well when I stayed at your house the other night I kind of caught you two kissing," Chloe says honestly. "Yeah I mean it's not like you two do a very good job at hiding your relationship. "Yeah we think a lot of the school knows you both are an item," Jessie say sarcastically. "How would they know we have been very careful," Andrew says and all of our friends start laughing. "Drew I told you pulling me into classrooms wasn't a good idea, someone must have seen us coming out of the rooms together," Natalie say scolding me. "I'm sorry I honestly didn't think anyone would figure out what we where doing," I say honestly. "Yeah no we better hope we can convince an entire school that we are not together," Natalie's demands. "That not going to be easy, can't we just let them think what they want to?" I ask her hoping she would just let this go. "No because if this gets back to your dad or CPS they will take me away from here and you, is that what you want," she say sadly as tears form in her eyes. "I want let them take you back, I promise," I reassure her. "We will all help and one way is for you to go on a date with me," Matt say and I just gave him a death glare. "Just think about it, what a better way to convince them you want to be together then for you to go out with someone else," he say making since. "Fine but you better not think about making a move on her," I warn him. "I be on my best behavior, do what do you say Natalie are you up for it?" Matt asked Natalie. "If it will help convince the school then yes let's do it," she say in a hopeful tone. "Howe you do the date at the schools Christmas dance his weekend?" Chloe speaks up. "I guess that fine since it's not like Drew and I could have went together anyway," Natalie says sounding a little down about our complicated relationship. "I will make this all up to you after the dance," I whisper in her ear and I got a small smile out of her. "You better," she says before turning her attention back to our friends.

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