3- Upside Down (part 1)

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December 20, 2013

Natalie POV
"Come on Natalie you have to go to the dance it's the only way to convince everyone that you and Andrew are not together," Chloe says trying to reason with me. "I don't think that's going to be possible," I say as I get off the bed and dig out the pregnancy test from my bag. "What do you mean that's not going to be possible Natalie are you pregnant," she say pointing to the test. "I honestly don't know yet I haven't gotten up the courage to take it," I tell her my voice becoming shaky not only at the thought of being pregnant at seventeen but what CPS and Andrews father is going to do with me when they find out. "You have to go take it now," she say pushing me into the bathroom.

I sit holding the positive pregnancy test in my hand as the tears begin to flow from my eyes. "How am I going to tell everyone and what if they send me to juvie and make me give my baby up," I say in a panic. "I'm tell you Andrew will not let that happen, he loves you just talk to him and you both can figure things out together," she say as she wraps her arms around me for comfort. "Ok I will tell him," I say as I wipe the tears from my eyes and take a deep breath as I try to calm myself. "Now let's get you ready for the dance you deserve to have some fun tonight before you have to tell Andrew everything," she say pulling me up to my feet then putting my dress in my arms. "Ok I'll go but only because I want to see Andrew happy one last time before I turn his life upside down," I say before begin to change into my dress.

Andrew POV
The dance was fun but there was something off about Natalie she seemed like she had the wait of the world on her shoulders. As we enter into the house I decided I needed to figure out what's going on with her. "What's wrong you seem destructed tonight, did I do something wrong," I ask her as I pull her into my room. "Drew I can't do this anymore, all the sneaking around I'm going to tell the truth about us and them I'm going to deal with the consequences," she say with no emotion in her voice it was as if she was broken. "Natalie please don't do that we can go back to just being brother and sister if that's what you want, just please don't walk out of my life I can't live with that," I beg her. "I have made my decision, now just leave me alone," she say before turning to leave my room. "No you cannot do this to me," I say grabbing her arm and spinning her around to face me. I place my lips on hers kissing her and as I had hope she quickly responded kissing me back. I lead us to my bed just wanting to show her how much I love her and try to change her mind.

"What is going on in here," I hear my dad say angrily. I quickly jump out of bed and pull my pants on. "Dad it's not what it looks like, she was just upset and I let her sleep in here with me," I lie hoping I could convince him. "I know your lying to me, I have been getting call about you two that's why I have called CPS and she is going back where she came from," he said angrily as pointing to Natalie. "Dad this is all my fault please don't punish her for this," I say begging him. "I will not have that whore ruin your life," he said angrily as he turns and leaves the room.

I finish getting dressed then head out to find my dad and try to convince him to change his mind. "Natalie maybe it's best you go back to the room," I say when I feel her walking behind me. "No this is my fault to let me try and fix things between you two and then I will leave," she say and I immediately turn around and grab her. "Natalie you are not going anywhere, we will run away if we have to but I will not just let someone yank you out of my life," I tell her seriously. "Drew I need to tell you something," she starts saying but was cut off when my dad came into the hallway where we were and pointed a gun at her. "I will not loose you to her and I will not let her ruin your life," he says angrily. As I quickly put Natalie behind me I begin to try and talk my dad down. "Dad you don't really want to hurt her, your just angry," I say hoping to get him to hear reason. "That whore is trying to take you away like your mother did," he said with so much anger that I was begging to feel like Natalie may not make it out alive. "Natalie I need you to go, run and don't come back I promise I will find you when this is over," I whisper to her hoping my dad wouldn't hear. "Drew," she begs with tears in her eyes. "Go now Natalie!" I demand a little louder and she turned an ran down the hall and out the front door. "So you killed my mother because she was going to leave you," I said angrily hoping to keep his attention on me. "Yes I did and I would do it again if it means getting to keep you," he say with hate in his voice. "How could you," I say as I run towards him and try to grab the gun which lead it to go off.

Natalie POV
I run out the door and down the street as fast as I can so scared that I wasn't going to survive if I stayed in that house. I was only a few houses down when I heard a gun shot come from inside the house which caused me to stop running and I broke down. I knew that I had to keep going for me and my unborn child's sake because it's what Andrew would want me to do. "I'm so sorry you will never get to meet your father, I believe he would have loved you as much as I already do," I say placing my hand on my stomach. As the sirens in the distance grow closer I begin to run again until I make it to a bus station just as the buss was fixing to pull away. After buying a ticket with the only money I had left on me I sit back and prayed I would be able to make it out of town without anyone looking for me.

I must have fallen asleep on during the ride because I was suddenly being shaken awake by the buss driver. "Miss you have to get off now this is my last stop," he said kindly and I shook my head and quickly got off the bus. I realize I was in Brooklyn and had no idea where I was going and to make matters worse it had begun to rain hard and I ran out of the house without a jacket so I was only wearing the dress had worn to the dance last night. I continued to walk in the direction I was going and hoped I would come across a place that I could hid out for the night.

After over an hour of walking I realized I was in a bad area and all the people I walked past seeped to be starring at me. I had grown tired or walking as my body begun to feel weak and I had start coughing from being soaking wet in the cold without a coat on. I spot this bar and decided to go in hoping I could just rest for a few minutes before continuing on my way. I open the door and enter but as soon as I did I begin to feel myself collapsing as my body gave out but instead of hitting the floor I feel into someone's strong arms.

Picture of Drew on this page.
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