9- Back To Life

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July 2016!!!
Natalie POV
"Mommy mommy I want some," Gracie says tugging on my arm pointing to the guy with the sparklers. "Sure," I say taking her hand and walking over to the guy. "How much for a pack of sparklers?" I ask the man kindly. "Two dollars a pack," he answered. "I'll take two packs please," I say and I let go of Gracie's hand to give the man his money. "Here you go Gracie," I say turning around to where she had been standing. "Gracie," I call out in a panic as I notice she wasn't beside me. "Have you seen a little girl with dark hair go buy here?" I ask a lady that was standing outside of a shop. "I'm sorry I just got out here," she said apologetically.  I go into a ice cream shop just a few stores down from where I was standing and I see Gracie standing at the counter with a ice cream cone in her hand. "Gracie sweetheart what where you thinking you are never suppose to walk away from me," I say hugging her to me with tears of relief streaming down my face. "I'm sorry mam I seen her walking around outside by herself so I brought her in here I was about to call the police when you walking in," the man says and I stand up to face him, my heart dropping as I see the face I though I would never see again. "Natalie?" He asked sounding shocked. "I'm sorry you must have the wrong person," I say as I grab Gracie's had and start to walk away. "Natalie I know it's you, your hair is a lot darker and your older now but I know it's you my heart tells me so," he say grabbing my arm stopping me from leaving. I turn around and lock eyes with him and without warning his lips meet mine causing my confused mine to stop for a moment as all the feelings for him come crashing down on me. "Drew we can't do this," I say looking over to Gracie who is now sitting at the table eating her ice cream. "I'm married and have a child now Andrew and I can't confuse her," I say emotionless. "When did you get married, do you love him?" He asked sounding heart broken. "We got married a little over a year ago and yes I love him, he is my husband," I say honestly as I try to avoid looking him in the eyes. "Why didn't you come after me?" I say fighting the heart ache inside. "I have been looking for you every since my dad got locked up, but no one knew where you were, until I got word that someone in this area had been looking for me." he says taking my hand into his. "We can pick up where we left off all you have to do is leave your husband and come with me," he begs me. "I can't just leave him, he has done so much for me and loved me even though I was..." I started to say but stopped as I look over to Gracie and realize I would confuse he life if I tell her the truth. "Even though you were what Natalie?" He asked as he followed my gaze to Gracie. "Is she mine?" He say sounding hurt. "Drew please don't, Alec has been there for her since before she was born don't confuse her life," I beg him. "Your asking me to act like I didn't just find out I have a daughter," he says angrily. "Mommy can we go home?" Gracie as pulling on my shirt. "I have to go," I say taking Gracie's hand and leading her out the door without saying another word to Drew.

Drew POV
Watching her rush out the door with our little girl holding her hand made me realize all the things I had missed out on by not following her that night she ran. I rush out after them and begin following her quietly needing to know where she was going so that I would know where to find her. There was no way I was going to allow her to just walk out of my life again now that I had finally found her. I follow her to this bar and was shocked when she went inside. "Can we help you sir?" a woman asked as I walking inside. "I'm here to speak to Natalie," I say and she gives me a look that I couldn't quite read and she quickly walks to the back. Moments later a guy who looked to be a good bit older come walking out of the back room and towards me. "I have to ask you to leave," he said to me in a demanding tone as he grabs my arms and pulls me towards the door. "I don't know who you are but I'm not leaving until Natalie comes out and talks to me," I say angrily pushing his hand off of me. "I'm Alec her husband and I'm telling you to leave now or I will have to make you leave," he says angrily. "So your the one that has been keeping her here and calming my child as your, I have news for you I will not allow my child to continue to call you father," I say into his face angrily. "So your Andrew, look I know all about the little situation Kate told me everything and I can tell you I am not the guy you want to mess with so don't make threats at me," he says letting me know he is not taking any crap from me. "I am not scared of you an I will win Natalie, Kate or whatever you are calling her back she will see that she is still in love with me and this thing between you two is nothing but just gratitude," I say my anger reaching its boiling point. Without warning he connected his fist with my nose causing to to start bleeding. "Stop it," I hear Natalie scream out at us as I punched him back and we ended up in a full on fight. "Please just stop," she screams as she places her hand on Alec's shoulder. "What is going on in here," she asked once the fighting had stopped. "Your husband punched me?" I said wiping blood away from my nose. She looks over to Alec waiting for him to explain. "He was talking crap, saying he was going to win you back," Alec said trying to defend his actions. "It it true," she asked looking dead at me. "Yes, but why don't you ask him why he was trying to get information on me," I say and he immediately begin looking terrified. "What are talking about he thought you were dead, because that what I have thought all these years," she say looking confused. "No Natalie he had someone look for me, but he didn't realize I had hired someone myself to help find you," I say and watch as she turns to Alec with hurt in her eyes. "You knew he was alive all this time and you didn't tell me?" She asked as tears formed in her eyes. "Kate please let me explain," he says reaching out to her. "No don't touch me," she says before walking over to me holding her hand out to me, "Let's go get your nose taking care of."

After getting my nose to stop bleeding and I had gotten cleaned up she just sat in the bathroom floor staring up at me. "I'm sorry for all of this, I have never seen Alec act like that towards anyone," she say dropping her gaze to the floor as she try's to hide her sadness. "Hey it's ok," I say siting on the floor in front of her. "I'm so confused, how long has  he know you were alive?" She asked me as she tries to comprehend everything she just learned. "It's been over two years ago, and I have been searching hard for you," I say placing my fingers on her chin making her look at me. "I wish I would have found you before you married him because this should have been our life, Natalie I have never stopped loving you," I tell her before leaning in to place my lips on her just wanting to feel thin on more time. Just as my lips were about to touch hers she whispers, "stop!" "Please just let me kiss you one last time, I have to feel them one last time before I leave," I beg her my voice barely above a whisper. "Ok," she said and that's all it took for me to calm her lips with mine. I kissed her softly wanting to savor every moment of it since it may be the last one. As I pull away I place a small kiss on her forehead before getting up from the floor and leaving the room. Just as I was exited out of the bar and begin making my way down the street I here someone call out to me. I turn around to see Natalie running towards me. "What's wrong?" I ask once she made it to where I was. "I don't want you to leave, stay in town for awhile please," she begs me. "Does this mean your giving me a shot," I ask her. "I don't know yet what it means I'm still really confused, but I know I don't want you to disappear when I just got you back and you deserve to get to know your daughter," she says with a smile. "Then we will just start as friends and go from there," I say happily before watching her return to the bar.

Picture of Andrew, Natalie Kate and Gracie  on this page.

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