14- Taken

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Alec POV
I haven't heard from Kate since we had our fight this morning and I am starting to get worried as the hours go by and I can't get her to answer her phone. I decide to go out to look for her but just as I open the door I spot Andrew making his way up the driveway. "what are you doing here?" I ask him angrily. "My dad took Natalie," he says . "How do you know he took her," I ask him balling my fist up at my side. "She was at my house when it happened," he said but his body language was telling me there was something he was hiding from me. "look I know you don't like me and you honestly don't have a reason to, but we have to work together on this or we will never get her back alive," he says with fear in his voice. "I'm going to get her back, but not with your help because if you would have just stayed away and let her live her life this would have never happen and she would still be here safe with me where she belongs," I say angrily as I start to slam the door but the door was stopped by Andrews foot before it could close. "She pregnant Alec," he says holding out a paper to me. As I study the paper I begin to feel sick knowing that there is a big possibility the baby may not be mine which means I could loose her forever. "We have to find her and get her home safe," I say giving in to the realization that I will need his help to fine Natalie Kate.

Natalie POV
I sit in this tiny room not much bigger then a closet that had one window which was boarded up so that there wasn't anyway for me to escape out of it. I sit on the bed which took up most of the space in the room and I pulled my knees to my chest and begin cry at the though of being trapped here away from Gracie and that she may never see me again. Out of desperation I walk over to the window and begin trying to pry the boards off the window. After several minutes of pulling on the board I was able to break loose one of the boards enough to fit my hand through. "Help someone please!" I scream as I beat my hand against the glass ignoring the searing pain of the exposed nails tearing through my hand as I try to get the attention of the neighbors that are outside. Before anyone could notice me I was pulled back suddenly and thrown back onto the bed. I look up to see a angry James standing over me. "You had better not try that again or you will regret it," he warns me. The look on his face told me he would have done more then just scold me if his eyes hadn't landed on my hand. "You stupid girl look what you have done to your hand," he sat causing me to follow his gase to my hand and I suddenly begin to feel lightheaded at the sight of all the blood. "lets get your headed fixes up," he say picking me up of the bed bridal style and carrying me to the bathroom where he then sat me down on the toilet seat.

"I could feel myself slipping into the darkness," but was brought out off it when I feel myself become freezing cold. "Natalie you need to stay with me," James says with concern in is voice which made me confused. As I come to I begin to realize that I'm am in a tub of ice water. "What happened?" I asked shivering from the cold of the water. "You were going into shock, so I had to shock your body with ice water to snap you out of it," he says his voice going back to showing no emotions. "Can I get out now?" I ask him as I begin to stop feeling my body parts. "Yes and here is some clothes you can change into, once your out I will finish wrapping your hand," he say as he lays a tea shirt and shorts on the sink before exiting the bathroom leaving me to dwell on all that just happened.

  After getting the clothes on I stood looking in the mirror examining the damage to my hand and wrist which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. A few of the cuts went pretty deep but not enough to require stitches. I slowly open the door to the bathroom and walked out finding James sitting on the couch watching TV. I look from him to the front door and I begin to ponder if I could make it out before he notices and comes after me. Before I knew I found myself slowly making my way to the door and just as I put my hand out to grab the door knob James put himself inbetween me and the door. "I know your not trying to get away again?" he asked his eyes full of anger. "No, I was just looking for you i didn't see you and I thought I heard the door shut earlier," I lie quickly hoping he would believe me. "Fine I will believe you this time but after I wrap you hand your going back into your room and I have already reboarded up the window so don't think of trying to repeat your actions from earlier," he say as he grabs my good arm and pulls me back to the bathroom where he wraps my hand and wrist, then takes me back to the small room locking me back inside. I sit on the bed confused as to how all of a sudden James went from being the evil man that kidnapped me to a somewhat  descent and caring guy. I jump as the sound of the door reopening snaps me out of my thoughts. "I thought you might be hungry," he says sitting food down on the end table beside me. "Yeah, thanks?" I say before he exits back out the room locking the door once again behind him.

Authors Note:
I hope you all enjoy this chapter.
I'm so sorry I haven't posted in awhile but I have been super busy with work and every time I would sit down to write i just couldn't, I had major writers block.

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