6- Mixed Feelings (part 2)

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March 13, 2014
Alec POV
We arrived in California late after taking over a five hour flight from New York so once we go up to our room we crashed for the night deciding to start our vacation activities this morning. "So are you ready to go," I ask Kate as she walks out of the bathroom with a light blue summer dress on that stop just above her knees and I could see the red strap of her swim suit around her neck. "Yeah let's go," she say with excitement in her voice as she makes her way to the door. I grab our room key then follow her out the door.

As we make it to the beach I take off my shirt and she slips her dress off over her head. I can't help but stare at her as the dress slips over her head revealing her body that was only covered in a small red bikini. "Is something wrong, should I put my dress back on?" She ask as she begins trying to put her dress back on. "Don't do that," I say as I walk up to her and stop her from putting the dress back on. "I knew I shouldn't have worn something like this, people are going to think I'm a pregnant whore." she say with tears forming in her eyes. "Kate look at me you are not a whore you are beautiful and don't let anyone tell you any different." I say wiping away her tears with my thumb. Without thinking I leaned into her and placed my lips on hers kissing her gently and she quickly responded. As I pull away from her she looks at me with confused eyes. "Let's go get in the water," I say taking her hand a pulling her into the water.

We laughed and plashed in the water for what seemed like forever until I heard her stomach growl loudly. "Kate I'm so sorry I forgot to feed you breakfast this morning," I say apologetically. "It's fine really I wasn't really hungry until now," she say laughing as her stomach let's off another growl. "Well then let's go get you some food," I say as we both walk back onto the beach.

After going to the room and getting cleaned up we went to a fancy little restaurant to eat lunch then headed back to the room to allow Kate to get some rest before doing anything else. As we walk back into our room from eating and Kate laid down on her bed an closed her eyes. "Why did you kiss me early," she asked opening her eyes to stair right at me. "I honestly don't know and I'm sorry I just wanted to make you feel better," I say feeling caught off guard and not knowing what to say. "So you didn't do it because you are having feelings for me?" She asked me looking a little disappointed. "I don't know anything about you," I say honestly. "My full name is Natalie Kate Walker and I will be eighteen in two months," she say then stops to see my reaction. "Go on," I tell her needing to know everything. "I have been in foster care do as long as I can remember up until a family took me in a year ago, my foster mother died a couple months before I meet you and my foster father never wanted me and when he found out me and his son were sleeping together he flipped and tried to kill me," she said placing a hand on her stomach as she fights back tears. I sit down beside her and pull her into my arms. "So the child is your foster brothers," I asked and she shook her head yes. "So you ran so his father wouldn't kill you?" I asked and once again she shook her head yes. "There's more I think he killed his wife, I'm just not sure why and now I'm positive Andrew is dead now too," she say before breaking down no longer able to fight back the tears. "It's ok your safe now, I want let anyone hurt you," I say pulling her so we were both laying on the bed, my arms still around her protectively. "I will always be here for you Kate, and you can always come to me anytime you want to talk." I tell her before I hear her breathing steady telling me she had fallen asleep. I slowly get up from the bed, grab my phone from the table and step outside the room to make a phone call. "Gabe I need a favor," I say into the phone. "Sure anything to an old friend," he say. "I need you to look into Natalie Walker's foster brother Andrew, and Gabe do it discreetly I don't need anyone coming and poking around and putting the girls life in danger," I say in a working tone. "You got it sir and I will call you as soon as I find out something," he say before hanging up the phone. I know I had to be carful not to let anyone fine Kate, because I would not let anyone take her away from me. I also don't want her to find out in looking into anything on what went down the night she came into my bar running scared.

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Picture of Kate (Natalie's) swimsuit on this page.

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