Chapter 1 The Mission Plan

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                                                                                          Author's Note:
     Hey fellow Star Wars fanatics! This is my first fan-fiction and I hope that it will turn out well for everyone who reads it! I apologize in advance if I have grammar and/or spelling errors.
I wouldn't mind to have some feedback on what I could improve and any ideas that you may want me to incorporate. (I may not incorporate all ideas). Some constructive criticism would be swell.
Thanks :)

Spectre 7 out!

    Ezra's P.O.V.
     "What is this mission for again?" I asked.
     "Don't you ever listen kid?" Zeb replied making fun of him.

I rolled my eyes and eyed Kannan so he could explain the mission's necessity. Again. "Hugh." Kannan growled "last time I'm explaining this to you kid. This mission is for A) extra creds 'cause we need 'em, and B) the rebellion needs this shipment of blasters out from the Empire's grasp."
     "What were the guns again?" I asked already knowing the answer, just wanting to bug Zeb. I know he's had a difficult past with these blasters, but on our rendezvous to deliver the T-7 ion disrupters to Visago and then got ambushed by the Empire, Zeb has eased up on the whole blasters thing. But when I looked at Zeb awaiting my answer, I can tell he doesn't want to hear the answer. I quickly retracted my earlier question "Uh...never mind. That's none of the importance. So the mission is for extra credits and to get the blasters out of the Empire's reach. Got it." I'm pretty sure I just pissed off the entire crew. Karabasts. Guess I should pay more attention to things. When I look back at Zeb, I see a sadness in his eyes as if being reminded of the devastation that took place on his home planet of Lasan. I immediately felt horrible for trying to annoy Zeb with such a sensitive topic. I had to make sure he was okay. I'd have to check with him after we finished the briefing.

     "The shipment is in one hour from now," Hera started "The Empire will be there ready to receive them and would most probably want to mass produce them. The shipment will be on Jakku. That's what my intel tells me."

     "Why Jakku?" Sabine asks.
     "My guess is that they are hopping to have this supper secret."
     "What ever the reason may be, we must be prepared. I want Ezra and Kannan to wear their cadet and storm trooper outfits to pose as guards for the incoming shipment. Sabine, Zeb I want you two to go in with the Phantom after Kannan and Ezra have their eyes on the prize and it's well within their grasp. Once you four are in action, Chop and I will come in with the Ghost for aerial support. If needed." Hera added. "Everyone understands what their part in this operation is?"

      "Yes" everyone said simultaneously.

Once everyone fled back to their cabins, I paused when I reached my/Zeb's cabin. I was worried about Zeb. I can only imagine what he had been through, loosing practically everything. I mean, I know what it is like to loose your parents, but Zeb? He has been through hell and back.
I opened the door to see a lasat on a bed. I knocked and he just grumbled "You don't have to knock to come in to my- er-our room." Wow. Zeb has finally called 'his room', 'our room'. He might be worse that I thought. He was being kind. He was usually always sarcastic with me and/or playing nasty pranks on me. Now, nothing.
     "Uh...sorry. I just wanted to see how you were feeling. Ya know, with the whole T-7's and stuff." I instantly regretted saying the blasters name aloud. I saw Zeb sink lower into the bed and felt sorry for the poor lasat. "Sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I'll go." I said as I was leaving the room.
     "Hey kid." Zeb mumbled.
     "Ya?" I answered.
     "Thanks. Ya know, for checking on me. Good to know I still have a family."
It was at those last words that I went to hug him tightly and said "Your welcome". I left after that.

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