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Hello fellow fanatics! MORE GOOD NEWS!!! I MADE GLEE CLUB!!!! Yay! Just a negative to that award. I made it, but I'm an alternative. That means that I made it and I will perform with the group, but when it comes to the finals or something like that, I can't. I don't feel like I'm good enough now. Oh well. Not the first disappointment in my life! On the bright the side I made it, right?

And I also finish school on Monday!!! Yay!!!! But then again, I still have my exams.

Well, that's all I have to say. Oh! And if you guys want to follow my Instagram you can! It's signing_xoxx  it's my account where I sing and stuff. I also just created an account for Wattpad purposes. Sooo, follow if you want. It's SuperheroObsessed   So, ya. Follow if you please!!!  

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