Chapter 17

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Michele's POV

I instantly started smiling once I saw Jermaine already in class. I started to walk towards him but Ealy called me up to his desk. I sighed and walked towards his desk. "Yes?" I asked. "I missed you and Mr. Cole in class on Friday."

"Um I'm sorry, Professor. It was just a lot going on that day. My Mom got sick Thursday night and I went to see her Friday morning. Langston and I spent the weekend with her," I replied. He shook his head and called Jermaine up to his desk.

"I don't know what's going on with you two but I expect better from the two of you. You're my best students and I expect stuff like this from Mr. Higgins. You two can keep lying to me but the detentions will keep piling up with them. I'll see you two after class. You may go back to your seats now," Ealy said.

I sighed and we walked back to our seats, sitting next to Jermaine. "I told you two that Ealy was gonna say something to y'all. What did he say?" Langston asked. "We have detention after class today." "Wow, he gave his student crush detention?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "He doesn't have a crush on me and yes he did. I've had detention with him before and it's not that bad," I replied. Langston grinned. "And he hasn't tried anything on you yet?" "No. He's never tried anything on me."

"Sure," Langston mumbled as Ealy started teaching the class but somebody started knocking on the window on the side of the room. He sighed as everybody turned to the window. I wanted to put my head down in shame when I saw Anthony standing there with a board in his hands.

He held the board up against he window so I could read it:

Forgive me Michele, just please go to Homecoming with me. I need you. <3

I sighed and shook my head. "What the hell?" Professor Ealy mumbled pulling the curtains across the window, so we couldn't see Anthony anymore. "Miss. Sanders you need to leave your personal affairs outside of my classroom," He said going back to teach the class. 

I sighed and sat back in my seat as he lectured on and on about stuff we went over last year. I don't know what was Professor Ealy's problem lately. I know some stuff had been going on but he's been extra irritating these past couple of days.


By the time class was over everybody was leaving out of the room, except Jermaine and I, since we had to stay for detention. I looked at the door, wishing I could be leaving too, but Anthony walked in, still holding his board.

I sighed, knowing I was going to be embarrassed soon. "C'mon Michele, let's get out of here," He said holding his hand out. "I have detention." He sighed. "Well I'll just sit in here and wait on you." "No you want. This is a private detention and are you the fool who was standing outside of my classroom?" Ealy asked.

"I wouldn't call myself a fool but yes," Anthony replied. "Leave your personal affairs with my students out of my classroom. You need to go." Anthony smacked his lips. "Fine, I'll just do," Anthony said walking out. Professor Ealy closed the door and turned to Jermaine and I.

"I don't know what I'm going to do with you two. It's only the second week back to school and my best students are already getting on my bad side. What's going on?" He asked sitting on his desk. Jermaine and I looked at each other.

I don't know what Professor Ealy's up to but I'm not going to tell him anything that's going on in my life, no matter how concerned he claimed to be. "Well?" He asked. "There's nothing going on," Jermaine replied. "Yeah, nothing at all," I said backing him up.

Professor Ealy sighed and shook his head. "I know you two probably won't tell me anything but I really need to know what's going on with you two. Are you two seeing each other?" Jermaine and I looked at each other and started laughing.

"No. That guy who just walked in is my boyfriend. Jermaine and I aren't seeing each other, Professor," I said. "Oh I'm sorry. I was just assuming. I really need the two of you to straighten up. You're starting to act like Mr. Higgins."

I really wanted to laugh but I knew he was serious. Professor Ealy has always hated Langston and used every chance he got to talk about how much he hated him. "Sorry. We'll act better," Jermaine replied. "I hope so. I don't like giving the two of you detention."

Professor Ealy went to the back of his desk and sat down in his chair. "So, instead of you two DJ-ing at homecoming the dean decided to get an actual DJ so you two will get a night off," He said. I was kind of excited about not having to DJ but then again I wasn't.

If we did get to do it Jermaine and I would get to spend more time together and technically go to Homecoming together but now that we aren't I still have to give Anthony an answer on if I'm going to Homecoming with him or not.

I know he claims to be a changed man but I'm not so sure of it. I haven't doen anything to tick him off this morning and if I say something to him about not going to Homecoming together then I know he'll get mad at me for wanting to go with Jermaine...which is true. 

"Alright, so we don't have to do anything?" Jermaine asked. "No, not for now at least but I'm sure I'll find something for the two of you to do. Now look I'm going to let you two go early but please act normal tomorrow."

"Will do, Professor," I said standing up. Jermaine and I grabbed our stuff and walked out of the room. "So I guess this means we can actually find dates for Homecoming now," I said. "Yeah, I guess you can go with Anthony now."

"No, I don't even think I'm going to be associating with him by the time Homecoming comes." "Oh, then who are you going to go with?" He asked. "I had somebody in mind." "Who?" "You wanna go to Homecoming with me, Jermaine?"

He stopped walking and looked at me. "You know I'm supposed to ask you right?" He asked, slightly laughing. I shrugged my shoulders. "So? I didn't know if you were going to ask, so I just went on with it." "Oh well sure."

I smiled big. I know I was with Anthony but I kind of had a thing for Jermaine. He's just so sweet and caring and nothing like Anthony. When I met Jermaine, Anthony had broken my heart into so many pieces but Jermaine fixed it.

"Cool, so you know you have to buy the tickets right?" I asked. He laughed. "Don't worry Michele, I got'chu. We still going to dinner with Langston and Kyla tonight?" "Yeah, I'll see you then," I said hugging him. I took a deep breath and inhaled his scent, he smelled good, like always.

"Michele" I let go of Jermaine and saw Anthony standing next to us. It looked like he wanted to go off on me but held it in, trying to 'change'. "H-Hey Anthony, what are you doing here?" I asked. "I came here to see if my girlfriend was done in detention," He replied, putting emphasis on the word girlfriend.

He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I missed you," He said continuously pecking my lips. "You miss me too?" I shrugged my shoulders, not wanting to feed into his changed man bullshit.

"I know this will make you miss me." He grabbed the sides of my face and just when I thought he was going to hit me he kissed me but it wasn't like one of his 'see how far I can shove my tongue down her throat' kisses.

It seemed like he actually cared but I knew it was ust a front to make Jermaine jealous. Anthony never kisses me out in public, because he claims it'll ruin his reputation. I pulled away and lightly pushed him back, as I wiped my mouth.

"Anthony just stop it." "Why?" I sighed and turned to Jermaine, who looked just as confused as Anthony. "Jermaine I'll see you later." He nodded his head. "Yeah," He mumbled walking away. "So are you going to tell me why?" Anthony asked following me to my dorm.

"Because I told you before I went to class this morning that I don't know if I'm going to be able to be there while you change. I told you I needed time to think and you aren't giving me enough time or space to think Anthony."

"How much more time do you need?" He asked. "I don't know Anthony! Just give me some damn space. There's only so much of your shit that I can take in at once and don't sit ehre and act like you've changed so much. I know what you and my Mom did, nasty bastard," I said walking away from him.

I picked up my pace, trying to get as far away from him as I could but he didn't even follow behind me because he knew he was wrong.


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