Chapter 13

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Michele's POV

"You gotta stop doing this," Jermaine said as I pressed the tissue up against my arm, trying to suppress the blood. "It's the only thing that helps," I mumbled. "I'm sure you can do something else instead of this. It's not good for you."

I shrugged my shoulders and looked down. "You just don't understand." "You keep cutting yourself, how am I supposed to understand that there's obviously something going on with you?" He asked. I looked at my arm as the blood started to dry up.

As long as I've had these scars and cut myself Jermaine seems like the only person to give a shit about me. Langston never noticed them and neither did his Mom, because I always covered them up but Jermaine's the only person who's seemed to be concerned about me.

"Thank you," I mumbled. "For what?" "Understanding," I replied going back on what I previously said about him not understanding. He understood to an extent but he didn't fully understand because he doesn't know what to understand.

"I told you I did understand, but I just don't see why you insist on hurting yourself even more. You're just too good to be doing something like this to yourself. Fuck being too good for this, you're too beautiful to be doing this to yourself. You can do better than this," He said.

"You're right." "And you're to beautiful to keep letting some nigga run your life. I know it's hard to break up with him but don't let him talk down to you like you're nothing important. You're important and perfect as hell to me. You're too good to be stuck on that nigga."

I sighed and looked up at him. "Thank you Jermaine," I mumbled as he stood up, leaning in front of me. "And you're definitely too beautiful to be sitting here crying over some crazy nigga. Don't give a fuck about him. He ain't shit for saying that to you in front of everybody," He said.

He wiped my tears away, only for more to fall down. He smiled. "Stop crying, ma," He said pulling me up. I slightly laughed and wiped some of my tears. "I'm sorry" "Don't apologize, just stop crying over that nigga. Don't waste your tears on him," He replied.

I nodded my head and wiped the remained of the tears off of my face. "How's your arm?" He asked. I removed the tissue and all of the blood was pretty much gone. "It's alright" He sighed and grabbed my hand. 

"Come somewhere with me." "We have class Jermaine," I replied as he shrugged his shoulders. "So? C'mon." He tightened his grip on my hand and pulled me out of the hall, not even to be noticed by anybody in our class.

We walked in silence to the parking lot and got in his car. The short ride to his apartment was quiet. He parked and I got out, following behind him. I'm surprised Robin or Anthony haven't stopped us, yet, since they're both so crazy.

I closed the door behind me and stood by the door as he took off his shoes. "Why you acting like you haven't been here before?" Jermaine asked smiling. I shrugged my shoulders and took off my shoes. "Let's go upstairs."

I immediately froze as he started walking up the steps, only to turn around half way up there when he noticed I wasn't behind him. "I shouldn't have come here. I knew you trying to be nice to me was just a way to get in my pants," I said picking up my shoes.

He sighed. "Being nice to you isn't a way to get into your pants. I'm just trying to be nice to a girl, who doesn't deserve to be treated like shit by a guy who's supposed to be her boyfriend." I sighed and looked down, realizing I wasn't speaking to Anthony.

Jermaine is completely different from Anthony. All Anthony wants to do is get in my pants and that's the only reason he bought that Homecoming ticket. He thinks it's going to make up for all of the shit he cause but it's not.

It's gonna take a sweet guy like Jermaine to fix the damage Anthony's caused all of these years. I dropped my shoes on the floor and followed Jermaine upstairs to his room. "Excuse the mess," He said pushing his clothes off of his bed.

I sat down on his bed as he picked up some of his clothes off of the floor. "It's fine Jermaine. You really don't have to clean up," I told him. "You sure?" "Yeah, your room isn't that bed," I replied as he laid back on his bed next to me.

He smacked his lips and smiled. "You're lying." I smiled. "Alright I am but it's not the worse," I replied. "Sure" I laid on my back, next to him. "So, do you have a date to Homecoming?" I asked. "Na I'm probably going by myself."

"How come? What about Robin?" He chuckled. "Hell no. You know she's just trying to fuck," He replied. "I thought you guys were friends?" "Nope. She found me after the party on the first night here and we um..." He trialed off.

"Slept together?" I asked. "Yeah but that was it and it only happened that one time because I was upset." I turned to him, leaning on my elbows. "Why were you upset?" I asked. He sighed. "No reason, forget I even bought it up."

"No just say it. I spilled almost everything to you, now it's your turn," I replied. "Alright, well I saw you dancing on Anthony at the party and it kind of hurt 'cause Langston said you were single and I was so determined to be with you this year but then seeing you with him just crushed my hopes."

I sighed. "I'm sorry but you know Anthony's crazy ass made me dance on him like that," I replied. "I know now but I didn't then. So I went back to my car mad and then there came Robin from no where." I smiled. "You could have done better than her."

He shrugged his shoulders. "Well the girl I wanted to be with was already occupied and probably wouldn't want to come back here with me," He replied. "Well if I was the girl I would have come back here with you."

"She did though" "When did you get her to come back?" I asked. He looked up at the ceiling, not making eye contact with me. "Now and I bet her beautiful ass doesn't even know that I'm talking about her or that I've liked her for so long," He replied.

I smacked my lips. "Oh I knew you liked me." "Liar" "No for real I did. Last year I couldn't get around campus without people thinking we were together and I see the way you act around me, Jermaine." He sighed. "It's that obvious?" 

I nodded my head, yes, and leaned over him. "But I think it's really sweet of you," I replied. "Oh, for real?" "Mhmm and I really think it's cute how you're always trying to help me and complimenting me but you never judge me and I appreciate that."

"It's no big deal" I looked down at his lips and then back up to his eyes. "No for real it is a big deal. It seems like you've been the only person caring lately and I don't know what I would have done without you today," I replied. 

He smiled and grabbed a hold of my hands. "You're welcome and I just don't like seeing you hurt, especially by some broke down nigga who doesn't deserve to be with you." "I know," I mumbled leaning in closer to him, debating on whether or not I should do what I'm thinking.

He looked down at my lips, keeping his eyes glued to them. "Do it," I whispered, knowing what he wanted to do. He sat up, leaning on his hands, and started to lean in. I closed my eyes and was doing the same when I started to back away, thinking about what would happen if Anthony caught us.

Anthony would completely flip out on us, me especially, and probably beat the hell out of me for cheating on him with 'broke ass Jermaine' but right now I didn't care. Anthony wasn't around so he couldn't possibly do anything to me if he never found out.

As soon as my lips touched Jermaine my stomach twisted in knots, letting me feel the butterflies in my stomach. This feeling was amazing and beyond any feelings I ever had when I kissed someone. Those kisses meant nothing but lust.

Jermaine never tried anything slick while I kissed him, like Anthony, who'd shove his tongue down my throat, just to get me in bed with him. But, J kept it smooth and passionate, making me want to get into bed with him.


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I'm finally 15 guys!! Good night. I MIGHT post later today, I don't know.

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