Chapter 8

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"Do you think he saw us?!" Zatanna asked nervously.

"Nah!" Wally snuck out from behind the tree. "Rob would totally have called us out if he had seen us. Come on lets fallow him!"

Megan levitates the team over the gate and they quietly make their way deeper into the cemetery.

It seemed that his legs got heavier every time Dick took a step. Almost like they were begging him not to go any further. But he had to... for them...

Dick stopped in front of a line of five headstones. He nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "Bună ziua Mamă, tată, unchiul Rick, mătușa Sarah, Johnny ..." (Hello Mom, Dad, Uncle Rick, Aunt Sarah, Johnny...) "Sorry I haven't been to visit lately the team's been keeping me pretty busy."

Artemis looked over at Wally "Uh what did he just say?"

"He said we'd been keeping him busy." Wally informed.

Artemis face palmed "I meant before that Baywatch!"

"Ohhhhh... ya I don't know. Rob knows a bunch of different languages but I don't know why he would be using them now. Let's hide up in this tree so we get a better look" Wally said. They all nodded and followed him up the tree.

(A/N - don't really have that much to say soooo... Stay whelmed and feel the aster. btw any young justice fans check out my book 'Young Justice Season 3?!' do it if you want an ending for the series. :) thanks bye!)

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