Chapter 6

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Dick sighed and walked back over to the bleachers and picked up his package. He still had one more stop on his list.

The team just gapped at him as he left. "Did Robin just revile his secrete identity to those men?" Meagan asked wordily.

Wally shook his head "He's not in costume so it's ok. What I want to know though is why did they seem to recognize him? And I can see him getting kidnapped a lot as Robin but why would they want to kidnap him?"

Zatana "And another thing... Why did those thugs call Rob a Gypsy? The way he yelled at them makes me think that he is one..."

Artemis shrugged "Nah Robin's not a Gypsy! He was just correcting them since they thought Gypsies did voodoo that's all. Now we should probably get after him before he gets away." They all nodded and hurried off after him.

(A/N - Sorry it's so short. I thought I'd just tell you guys that I decided that when I update I'm going to lengethen the window from just on Saturdays to pretty much any time over the weekend. so it might be Friday night, saturday, or sunday. just thought id let you know. :) stay whelmed and feel the aster!)

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