Gang Related

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Erica POV --

Jay roughly turned the car around and started speeding down the road. I wasn't scared or nothing cus I ain't no punk ass bitch. But really.. Wtf is going on? He not finna bring me somewhere and not tell me wassup.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked with a slight attitude in my tone.

This motherfuccer ignored the shit out of me.

Y'all know me, I was gon say something slick, but the look on his face told me not to.
Some serious shit was going down.

Jay mumbled something under his breath. "Shit..."

He quickly pulled up to this abandoned looking spot, it looked like a trap house. I heard some type of yelling from the inside.

"Stay your ass in the car and don't open the door for nobody, my windows bullet proof so you should be good." Jay said while grabbing two guns from his compartment.

Oh HELL NO! He not finna leave me in here.

"No way, I'm coming with you." I argued

"Hell nawl, do you even know how to shoot a gun?" He questioned

My dad took me to a shooting range once.

"Yeah I do! Lemme come, niggas could throw a bomb out here when Im locked in this car and then I'd be dead." I argued hoping he'd let me come.

Jay gave up and tossed me a nine.

"Stay safe." He said while we hopped out the car.
I cocked my gun and took the safety off just in case.

We ran up in that joint and Jay started shooting immediately.

This Spanish looking nigga with a glock in his side pocket said "Oh shit." And tried to pull his gun out.

Simultaneously someone who seemed to be shooting at the same people Jay was shooting at shot him right in the middle of his forehead.

Blood was spilling everywhere.

Jay started shooting at some niggas dressed in dark gray.

I didn't know who to shoot or not so my ass ran in the corner and hid behind the post. I ain't wanna shoot one of his friends or something. Ima just use my gun for protection.

Some nigga pulled up on me and aimed his pistol right at my chest.

I was shook, my life flashed before my eyes.
I tried to grip my gun but all I heard was

I closed my eyes thinking I got shot, but two bullets pierced the man right through his temple simultaneously from different angles.

I looked to see where the bullets came from.

One came from Jayceon and the other came from.. My brother.

Tf was he doing here?

There were about 11 bodies on the floor, and all you heard was sirens in the distance.

Tyshawn grabbed me and was trying to get us out of here before the opps came.

But Jayceon wasn't having that.

"Ty what you doing? Ima bring her home!" Jayceon yelled

"Nigga are you fuccing crazy? You put my sister in this predicament? Tf wrong wit you!! You should've told me this was the girl you had with you!" Ty argued

"I didn't know that was your sister..... Ah shit. Mane we'll discuss this later , the cops about to buss this joint. We gotta dip" Jayceon said with a concerned look on his face.

Jayceon ran out the door and to his car, while Ty got in the front seat and I got in the back.

Wtf just happened?

Jayceon swerved the car from the spot, turned the corner and started speeding down the block.

Ty pulled out his phone and called someone.

"Yo! Was you able to grab the shipment before we had to dip?" Ty asked in a concerning tone

"Aight , good." Ty sighed as if he was relieved.

"Yeah, Ima catch you later." Ty said before hanging up the phone.

Hella thoughts raced through my mind.
I figured Jayceon was the typical bad boy and would've been involved in something like this.. But my brother? Nah I ain't expect that.
How could he have hid something like this from me? How long was he doing this? The brother I looked up to was a thug. No wonder he always had so much money.
He always wants me to do good in school so I can get a good paying job, I worked hard to make his ass proud . I thought I was following in his foot steps! How could he be such a hypocrite?

A tear slid down my face.

"This y'all house, right?" Jay asked awkwardly

"Yeah this is it, let's go Erica." Ty said while looking towards the back seat.

I ain't say shit, I got out the car , slammed the door and ran into my house.

Ty said something to Jayceon before following me.

Ty got in the house and slammed the door.

"ERICA ! Get your ass downstairs !" Ty yelled.

Why should I go downstairs ? That nigga lied to me.

Tyshawn ran upstairs and busted into my room.

"What the hell was you doing in there?" He said accusingly

"ME? I should be asking your ass the same thing!" I shouted defensively.

"Nawl, you almost got killed today! I wouldn't be able to live with myself is something happened to you." Ty said sadly

"But I don't understand how you could keep something like this from me! Why you couldn't tell me you was involved in the drug business. You couldn't trust me or sumn?!" I exclaimed

"It's not even like that, everything I do is for YOU. I got into this business for YOU. Who knows what would've happened to us if I didn't do something about it?!" Ty argued.

I stood silent.

"I kept this from you to keep you safe, i'on want you to go down that path I had to take. That's why I want you to educate yourself so you can legally provide for yourself and be the strong, beautiful, independent woman I always wanted you to be. What mom and dad would want you to be." Ty said with a caring tone.

I started crying uncontrollably and embraced my tall brother in a warm hug.

"Let it out sis, it don't matter what I gotta do just know it's for your best interest." Ty said while stroking my head

"I-I'm okay." I said while sniffling my nose and loosening up from his grip.

"Oh and I don't want to see you around Jayceon no mo." Ty said after we stopped hugging.

What? How he gon try to tell me who I could hang with. Now he pushing his luck.

"No, Ima talk to who I want, Ty. Don't worry Ima be careful." I said sternly.

"That nigga is no good for you. I know him too well. Trust me." Ty said before leaving

Damn, today was a long ass day.

I looked at my phone, then took the note Jayceon gave me out of my bag and dialed his number.

"Jay?" I spoke, when the other line answered.

"Who's this?" Jay said sternly

"It's Erica. We need to talk." I spoke softly into the phone.

Chapter 3 - end

Damn this chapter was intense.
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Have a wonderful day guys!

S/n - There's a visual of Tyshawn above.

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