Path Of Islam

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Allah! Our Creator! All Knower, All Wise!

Master is HE of Earth and Paradise.

No partner, no family, no kith nor kin;

HE is the creator of mankind and jinn.

Muhammad(saw),the Final messenger;

A friend to all, he was no stranger.

The word of Allah, he did proclaim;

A man of courage, honour and fame.

When Gabriel descended, the Quran was revealed;

Muhammad(saw) was shaken, his lips were sealed.

Slowly, he knew why the Quran was sent;

the truth in it and what it meant.

He invited the people, far and near;

to embrace Islam without any fear.

He was mocked by the people and called a liar;

Little did they know, their abode was Hell-fire.

Muhammad (saw) went on, you could never see him cease;

His love for Allah never did decrease.

He fought many battles, took no defeat;

The enemies of Islam were forced to retreat.

The word of Allah spread far and wide;

Muslims took Quran as a sign and a guide.

Islam is our wealth, Quran our treasure;

Our love for Allah, no one can measure.

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