15 Easy Ways

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Bismillah. In the name of Allah

A Beautiful Place: "For those who believe and work righteousness, is (every) blessedness, and a beautiful place of (final) return." - Qur'an, The Thunder, Surah 13:29

Here are 15 easy ways to please Almighty  Allah.

1. Greeting each other, whether Muslim or not. When you enter a house or a room, greet. When you meet someone for the first time greet. Greet!

2. When you wake up, saying the morning prayers. Read Qur'an and smile.

3. Praise Allah.

4. Keep your lips moist because of dikr (Rememberence of Allah)

5. Give to charity so secretly that your right hand won't know what your left hand gave and vice versa.

6. Forgive & Forget

7. Respect your parents and elders.

8. Spread the knowledge of Islam & increase your own knowledge of the religion of peace.

9. Be grateful for all that you have.

10. Restrain from commiting sin.

11. Allah is always there watching over us. If you need anything don't be afraid or embarrassed to put your hands up and ask.

12. Be proud to be a Muslim but be humble at the same time.

13. NEVER be in tolerant to another religion or race.

14. Don't worry about what other people think of you, worry about what Allah thinks of you. Remember we are not on this world to please our friends, we are here to please My Lord, Allah.

15. Put others before your self...

16. I know I wrote this it is my work but I don't care as long as the message can spread yeah? So copy it...email it... like it on facebook so other Muslims read, tweet it so more people learn about Islam! Go ahead, I'm not saying this to get my book popular I'm saying it cause...

I <3 ISLAM MORE THEN EVER! And I don't want people to get the wrong idea about my religion. I don't want them to think we are forced to cover our women & encouraged to kill innocent people.

I want them to understand Allah is the creator of the heavens and the earth, that Allah is the most merciful & compassionate.

Allah is MY Lord. I love my Lord no matter what people think because that is what faith is. This is what I want, a strong faith in Allah & for fellow Muslims to have a strong Imaan (Emaan)... 

JazakAllah for reading.

Thank you.

My Allah lessen your burdans & increase your knowledge of Islam.

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